Function that returns an Array? - page 3


I've never met this bug:

int init()





int start()


int testarr[30];

for(int i=0;i<30;i++)testarr=i;

for(i=0;i<30;i++)Print(i," = ",testarr);



2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 29 = 29

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 28 = 28

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 27 = 27

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 26 = 26

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 25 = 25

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 24 = 24

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 23 = 23

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 22 = 22

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 21 = 21

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 20 = 20

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 19 = 19

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 18 = 18

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 17 = 17

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 16 = 16

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 15 = 15

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 14 = 14

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 13 = 13

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 12 = 12

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 11 = 11

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 10 = 10

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 9 = 9

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 8 = 8

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 7 = 7

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 6 = 6

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 5 = 5

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 4 = 4

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 3 = 3

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 2 = 2

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 1 = 1

2008.11.15 14:51:41 test3 GBPJPY,H1: 0 = 0


Most random number generators are pretty straight forward to code, you can write one in MT4. The Mersenne twister is one of the best, see Mersenne twister - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia for details.

Another article that describes a number of RNGs is CodeProject: .NET random number generators and distributions. Free source code and programming help The code is in C#, which is similar to C or MQL4.


Store Order History into Array

Hi Guys

I am trying to write a function that looks at the historical trades

for a particular currency pair and stores thier lot sizes into an Array.

If the order is a profit trade it stores the lot size as positive number

and if it is loss, then it is stored as negative value. For example

if last three trades for EUR/USD are as below,

trade number proft/loss lotsize

1 loss 1

2 profit 2

3 loss 2

then the array should store values as below

Array1 = {-1,2,-2}

for some reason, it does not work. I might be missing something or my logic may

be entirely wrong. I thought of running it past you guys. Any help is

much appreciated. Thank you.

void OrderHistory()


int Array1[];// = {1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000,1000};

int i=1;

int histotal = OrdersHistoryTotal();

//Print("History : ", OrdersHistoryTotal());

if (histotal > 0)


for(int cnt=histotal;cnt>0;cnt--) // retrieve closed orders counting from the last.




if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == 12345)


if(OrderProfit() <= 0) // latest order close was a loss


Array1 = -(OrderLots());



// Print("Array:", Array1);


if(OrderProfit() > 0) // latest order close was a Win


Array1 = OrderLots();


// Print("ArrayP", Array1);






int j=i;


Print ("Array Size", ArraySize (Array1));

for(int cont=1; cont<=i;cont++)


Print ("Arrrrray_cont", cont);

Print ("Array Value: ", Array1[cont]);





Array function

The calculated values of all symbol's volatility are placed in an array volatility[26].As symbols are string they are indexed and placed in an array idx[25]. but I do not know how to create a two dimensional array with volatility value as 1st element and index value as 2nd element so that I can sort the first dimension of the array in a descending mode.

any help will be much appreciated.