Www.mql4.com - page 2


Quest for better automated trading systems

Remember that the main objective is the quest for better automated trading systems. So let's all try to work together to accomplish that goal.

Expert Advisors are posted here http://www.mql4.com/codebase/experts/ Post your best expert advisors there to see what other traders' opinions are. Perhaps they can optimize the performance.

I think (IMHO) posting our expert advisors here is more useful? right?

I think (IMHO) posting our expert advisors here is more useful? right?

Hope that in the future we don't need "Get Elite Subscription" to access them...

I think (IMHO) posting our expert advisors here is more useful? right?

If we post the expert advisors at multiple forums, in this forum and others then we will likely get more people to participate and fix problems in the experts and trading systems. I am more interested in the number of participants and getting things accomplished.

Remember that the main objective is the quest for better automated trading systems. So let's all try to work together to accomplish that goal.

We are working already. All together. Here. And everywhere.

As to www.mql4.com so I think everybody should know this website. Because it is website of the company which created Metatrader (and all the builds). And the opinion which we may receive from www.mql4.com may be official opinion.

But I want to say that there are some people who are programming for MT3 and MT4. Who are well-known I mean. They programed almost everything (indicators and EAs and scripts). I think may be 25 or 30 people all over the world from the different countries. Ok, 50. But no more than 50. We know most of them. And I am not sure that these people are working for www.mql4.com.

Everything is doing for people and by people.

Anyway we should know this website.

But unfortunately, they still have not written a useful MQL guide.

The only useful one that i have found is coders' version! You are the man Codersguru! You're right up there with c++ for dummies in my book.

Hope that in the future we don't need "Get Elite Subscription" to access them...

All the experts are posted in the download section of this forum.You don't have to get an elite subscription for that.

The Elite subscription area is where the Admins post the trade results of experts found in the download section and the overall (week by week or sometimes daily) result in pips (loss or gain)

There is a "post and compare" section in this forum that have the same type of info but much less informative. WHY? because the content is posted by the members of this forum and not taken seriously by most here wich is unfortunate.

As for now there are about 3000 members here and it's sad to say that 99% of them or more have not help posted any results there.

I have tried to post consistenly there but at the end I got bored of doing it without the COMPARE happening.

Maybe more members could have some initiative to "post and compare" statements ?


All the experts are posted in the download section of this forum.You don't have to get an elite subscription for that. Sada
