Two experts


Hi Traders,

now I have two MT4 demo 188, one with Neuimex and one with Interbank.

With Interbank I'm testing an expert and it runs without problems, but another expert with Neuimex doesn't work. I have tried to change expert but the result doesn't change!!! Neuimex doesn't work and there is the smile in the chart. Why? Is it possible to test two or more experts in one PC or no?



Hi Traders,

now I have two MT4 demo 188, one with Neuimex and one with Interbank.

With Interbank I'm testing an expert and it runs without problems, but another expert with Neuimex doesn't work. I have tried to change expert but the result doesn't change!!! Neuimex doesn't work and there is the smile in the chart. Why? Is it possible to test two or more experts in one PC or no?



Yes. It is possible. But there are EAs which were designed to have one EA per MetaTrader, or one EA per chart. It does not depends on the Magic numbers only. Sometimes it is necessary to change something inside the code as well.

Recently we (together with Igorad) are trying to do some revision of almost all EAs posted on this forum to modify them to use in one copy of Metatrader (for example). This revision just started. It will not be changed anything inside the code except magic numbers (coding) and something about to avoid conflicting between EAs. It will be changed very small things which will not be affected on the trades at all. The new versions for testing will be posted as well. At first it will be posted in the our subscribtion section for discussion and late on it will be posted here.

Also Igorad is finishing the create some special script to generate the Statements. Because if you are testing several EAs using one copy of Metatrader you will want to get the Statements for each EA and each pair sorted by the time of open the orders (for example you want to have the detailed statements for all opennings from 8 till 18 for EURUSD only and for one EA only). So the second version of this script is issued already and we are still testing this script. It will be posted in subscribtion section first (for the discussion with the people who are professionally interesting in this subject and who are subscribers) and later will be here (of course).


Good work mewdigital!

Thank you




This is interesting. As I have been working along the same lines. Started with this on v3 of MT. I use a "RunTime Serial Number" to keep track of all the EAs actions, on a bases of each run. This number contains the SystemID, the currency pair information, the date and time of starting, and a 3 digit number I call a PullTab number, Which is different on each run on all EAs that are started and will stay with that EA till its turned off. This unique number is automaticly generated and used for all Identification purposes. Based on this number, information about the EA can be accumulated in many different ways includeing financial and performance information. There is no limits as to how one could assemble information. This was done without the need of this magic number, so called.

Also have created a Communications Module, which not only has a MessageCenter to communicate to the operator in terms of logs, alerts, and emails, but an ErrorHandler, as well. The error handler by the way has 4 levels of recovery, from just a log entry to a complet system shut down. The errors here are not only platform and server related but user defindable as well. Did this in v3 mind you, although I must say had to use some code tricks the end results were not too user friendly.

Have also done in v3, Programed the ability to control all functions of an EA with the use of script files one which is the right of the EA to trade called "TradeSchedule" which can be writen weeks ahead. Another which auto inputs all parameters of the EA at start up with the use of the signature ID which is past to the EA in the TradeSchedule script. The parameter file is called the "Signature" script and contains all the input parameters needed by the EA. The end reaults of this is the ability to preprogram your EA to not only have different start and end times each day, but the EA can operate differently on each day of the week as well. Like on sundays and fridays (the start and end of the week). How about when NFP numbers are coming out? In the future TradeSchedule file will also contains a list of currencies pairs that the EA is authorized to trade.

Projects that I am currently working on, as well as, converting everthing to v4, is a Registration Moudule. Were all operating EAs must registor there RunTime Serial Numbers and 'Profile' so all EAs that are currently in operations can see each other even if there are run from different broker platforms (limited to MT brokers). The benifits here are meny. Just think if you have a temperary connection downage, the EA will be able to recovery its Profile and existing orders and continue were it left off. This in connection with the ErrorHandler and MT's SL and TP inputs I can create a good emergency strategy to protect my account. By the way, I use the SL and TP order functions differantly then for there intended purpose. They are my EmergencyExit spread, were if I lose total control of the trade operations, this is were my exits will be. I defind my maximum losses in case of an emergency situation only with these. All regular SL, TP, and TS are on my system only and are generated from my computer. This may not make sence at first but stop and think about it you have two levels of protection here. One for normal operations and one for emergency situations.

The Registration Module will also, in the future, give you a means to conduct a portfolio Money Management stratagy based on all trades of all running EAs within each account. Just think of the possibilities this will open up.

The 'OrderDesk' and 'BackOffice', along with others, are contained in the OrderHandling Module which controls all orders to the broker. If one is running mutiple EAs and there are meny orders being placed at the same time you will experance some not getting filled. Here I am thinking in lines of the Hans123 brake out system as an example. Were if you have multiple pairs running they all try to place orders at the same time resulting in lost orders. The OrderDesk is the one to control the EAs and permit only one EA to control of the account at a time. Holding other EAs at bay for there turn at bat. The BackOffice provides the checks and balances to make sure the orders went through and everthing is ok before releasing the account for further transactions.

My most Unique project that is still on the drawing board is an 'Analytic Module' to deturmine which currency pair to trade and or to trade at all. This will have to be done with some code tricks as MT is not capable of switching currencies on the charts once started. Just think, lets say you want the EA to trade from 08:00 to 18:00 GMT (TradeSchedule script) and it will sit dormate from 18:00 till 08:00 the next day. At which time it can perform a multituted of calculations to determine market conditions, if it should trade the upcoming day or not, and which currency to trade, the direction, etc... The 'TradeSchedule' file will have the ability to pass on to the EA which pairs it has the right to trade on. The EA can from that list analysis which currency to trade that would generate the largest potential returns based on which will compliment its trading style.

Most people that program EAs do it in an top down style were the majority of the code is re-visited with each tic of the platform. This is the style MT used in most of its sample code and was pick up by most programers. I have a different style in which I use module construction where the low level code just determines which module is to be visited based on the current system and market conditions. With MT v3 you needed to use a lot of code trickery to construct modules. In v4 this coding style is a lot easer to acheive, but still some limitation exist. I've used code templates even in v3, not like the ones you have in v4, but general templates for coding different parts of the EA not different EAs. The template contains fixed areas for each part or function of the EA and changes, updateing, maintainance, and debuging is made easier then a top down style.

The end result I am trying to acheive is a truly Expert System. Where you can take a new idear and quickly code it into a complete system in a short period of time by useing pre-coded modules.

NewDigital this is an area of interest to me if you can give me the information about this subscription area you mentioned. I am new to this forum and not aware of this.

The CockeyedCowboy

The doctor told me to stay off the coffee. Think I have too much this morning, sorry for going on so long.

Yes. It is possible. But there are EAs which were designed to have one EA per MetaTrader, or one EA per chart. It does not depends on the Magic numbers only. Sometimes it is necessary to change something inside the code as well.

Recently we (together with Igorad) are trying to do some revision of almost all EAs posted on this forum to modify them to use in one copy of Metatrader (for example). This revision just started. It will not be changed anything inside the code except magic numbers (coding) and something about to avoid conflicting between EAs. It will be changed very small things which will not be affected on the trades at all. The new versions for testing will be posted as well. At first it will be posted in the our subscribtion section for discussion and late on it will be posted here.

Also Igorad is finishing the create some special script to generate the Statements. Because if you are testing several EAs using one copy of Metatrader you will want to get the Statements for each EA and each pair sorted by the time of open the orders (for example you want to have the detailed statements for all opennings from 8 till 18 for EURUSD only and for one EA only). So the second version of this script is issued already and we are still testing this script. It will be posted in subscribtion section first (for the discussion with the people who are professionally interesting in this subject and who are subscribers) and later will be here (of course).

Your job is more fundamental. We are doing more simple things. Igorad is modifying some scripts to generate the statements. Because the Statements are the documents. For example somebody may ask: was this EA profitable from 8 am till 6 pm since 8th till 15th of January for GBPUSD? And we may answer by the Statement. Because the statement is the document. That's all.

Why we need such a particular Statements? Because we want to quickly move to the next step: modification of EAs. All the EAs should be profitable. Otherwise why they exist. So, our job here is much more simple concerning the statements.

You may see subscribtion section here in this forum (Expert Analysis). And the link to this section is somewhere in the top. We just started. After one or two month testing we will produce the Statements ready to analyze the EAs' trading and then will modify the EAs. So, we are doing much more simple job.

We are already doing the statements daily and weekly and we will make the particular statements for the analysis starting from the next week (as a result of one month testing of some EAs).

You are doing the great project. But i think the problem is to have profitable EAs. Generally profitable. Because it is difficult to have EA which is profitable for the long period of time all the time. You understand what I mean. So we want to modify it as a result of the testing (and result of the particular statements) and to know which time and settings etc are the most profitable. And we like to see the discussion in our subscribtion section also. Of course any EA is out of any fundamental news. So the discussion will give some ideas about it (when to use EA, which time etc).

We want to move to the next step (modification of EAs) asap because we want to see the all EAs to be profitable. Some EA are the famous. Why famous? Because well promoted and based on some fundamental studies. Some EAs are the profitable but not famous. When we are testing the EAs we do not care about it because we want to see the profit. So we want to modify everything slightly. Slightly only without big changes.

So, the idea is the following. We are already testing some EA (20 if I remember). From the next week we will start to produce the special statements for the analysis. In February we want to finish the modifications for the most EAs and start to test once again and those modified EAs will be profitable (should be let's say). And we will keep this work adding the other EAs to this system (testing - modifying - profitable-testing).

Because everybody wants to use EA. But we all have one question: which one and which time.



Found the site and went to sign up you have it in english? Not sure of some entries that are being asked.

The CockeyedCowboy


Found the site and went to sign up you have it in english? Not sure of some entries that are being asked.

The CockeyedCowboy

It is not separated site. It is this forum. It is the section inside this forum. Just a section. In english of course. Find the link "Subscribe" in the top of this page.


The link to subscribe sent me to PayPal to tender monthly fee. However the PayPal site was not in english and I could not figure out how to use it.

It is not separated site. It is this forum. It is the section inside this forum. Just a section. In english of course. Find the link "Subscribe" in the top of this page.

PayPal Site

The PayPal site/page appears to be written in Spanish. Based on my (limited!) knowledge of Spanish, and the use of an online Spanish dictionary, this is what I have translated, so far:


"Sending Payment

PayPal is a secure payment processor for Silicom Internet. Enter the following information to continue. For more informatin about

PayPal (click the link on the page).


Subscription to: Elite Subscription

Subscription Terms: $12.00 (US dollars) every month

Currency: American/US dollars

Amonut Paid Today/Amount you are paying today: 12.00 US dollars

Note: Your subscription will automatically renew with the terms mentioned unless you cancel prior to the next billing period.

If you do not have a PayPal account, press here (the button shown)."


Below that, is an area where you can login to your existing PayPal account, using your email addy and password setup on the PayPal site.

I, too, am interested in an Elite Subscription. I could continue to translate the next pages, as I continue through the payment process, but, I would feel more comfortable if we could either translate the page @ PayPal's site, or, if we could be directed to an English-written webpage.



Thank you by notifying.

Best regards.

The PayPal site/page appears to be written in Spanish. Based on my (limited!) knowledge of Spanish, and the use of an online Spanish dictionary, this is what I have translated, so far:


"Sending Payment

PayPal is a secure payment processor for Silicom Internet. Enter the following information to continue. For more informatin about

PayPal (click the link on the page).


Subscription to: Elite Subscription

Subscription Terms: $12.00 (US dollars) every month

Currency: American/US dollars

Amonut Paid Today/Amount you are paying today: 12.00 US dollars

Note: Your subscription will automatically renew with the terms mentioned unless you cancel prior to the next billing period.

If you do not have a PayPal account, press here (the button shown)."


Below that, is an area where you can login to your existing PayPal account, using your email addy and password setup on the PayPal site.

I, too, am interested in an Elite Subscription. I could continue to translate the next pages, as I continue through the payment process, but, I would feel more comfortable if we could either translate the page @ PayPal's site, or, if we could be directed to an English-written webpage.

Thank you forexts, it worked now.


Thank you by notifying.

Best regards.