Price Patterns(Gartley,Butterfly,Bat,...) - page 171


Zup 113

Zup 113



zup_v113.mq4  579 kb
zup_v113.ex4  536 kb
Zup 113



attach to my mt4 but nothing appear...???


Open Data folder

Try same MQL5 but in following: C: \ Users \ ... \ AppData \ Roaming (or the other name) \ MetaQuotes \ Terminal \ MetaTrader 5 \ MQL5 \

Yes and also uder files heading click on open data folder and the correct folders to put HWAFM in are located there, I also have windows 7. I have the above quote from new ditital written on the notepad so i can copy paste it if i want the folder opened but not the platform.

I do not use DML&EWA Technique

Use last ZUP 113

About AP on ZUP see here Вилы Эндрюса в ZUP - Forex forum Onix

About DML&EWA Technique see here DML&EWA Technique - Forex forum Onix

As I understand - this is from the book

R.Swannell.Elite Trader's Secrets

and ZUP 113 (download from here) can be used to see those patterns.



As I understand - this is from the book

R.Swannell.Elite Trader's Secrets

and ZUP 113 (download from here) can be used to see those patterns.

Hi, Thanks I apreciate the direction. I didnt know that post was made, and now i do. I was a bit confused how I politly asked porkuchik a a question and get no response. Thanks a lot Porcuchick, I have always been supportive and never negetive about anything I dont over post or interfere but the one time i have a question the one person(you porkchik) whom seems to have leardership qualities as a great teacher and laisonshowed me poor leadership and has some how skiped over me in response for zero reason, or a made up illusion of a reason considering we are all strangers word on a screen. Anyway, thanks for the info that you provide others Poruchik I will always be learning from you wheather you like it or not.


My Avatar

I was thinking about what I represent, my additude, my point of view if you want to call it that is that of my Avatar, which is why & what an avatar is, its not a Tatto of an ex-girl friends name you wish to change or do. it this...iedit- My avatar is the learning loop, it is how i understand our entire existence and our purpose as live sentient beings our goal & future where we came from & where we are going, what we were & what we are becoming, as one the sensensory inpout and reality testing & the feed back we observe is who we are & our next steps & childrens & our brothers. the learning loop, spiritual evolution my friends. So, If I have question believe me I apreciate a response I dont take any of this for granted.



Hi MoneyJunkie,

related to HWAFM ...

I spoke with the author/coder. He does not care (he does not care about his personal promotion and money as well) ... he said to me that he created this tool for himself and for his friends.

Besides, he does not speak english at all.


he is really great guy. Really.

he is moderator of onix forum. What is onix forum?

This is russian forum where Nen created his ZUP indicator.

We are not connected with onix forum itself but this forum is very friendly with us.

As to onix forum ... poruchik provided to us the link where they translated this book onto russial language with images to understand ... , after that - Nen (programmer) created next version of ZUP for this theory. After that - they are analysing/discussing about how to use this new ZUP with this theory ...

As to me ... it was 'a little' complicated to me to read this book. I prefered to read onix "images translation" because it was in english language something written on the those images ... but anyway - I understood nothing sorry.

That is why I provided the name of the book where it was written about everything sorry.


As to ZUP indicators so we can find them all on the two first posts using this thread:


i will post the other information soon.but at first i want to offer you two short document to make you more familiar.there is a book in the froum that newdigital offerd it about all pattern description you can find it

Thank you kamyar,i' ll take time to read it


My Bad.

Hi MoneyJunkie,

related to HWAFM ...

I spoke with the author/coder. He does not care (he does not care about his personal promotion and money as well) ... he said to me that he created this tool for himself and for his friends.

Besides, he does not speak english at all.


he is really great guy. Really.

he is moderator of onix forum. What is onix forum?

This is russian forum where Nen created his ZUP indicator.

We are not connected with onix forum itself but this forum is very friendly with us.

As to onix forum ... poruchik provided to us the link where they translated this book onto russial language with images to understand ... , after that - Nen (programmer) created next version of ZUP for this theory. After that - they are analysing/discussing about how to use this new ZUP with this theory ...

As to me ... it was 'a little' complicated to me to read this book. I prefered to read onix "images translation" because it was in english language something written on the those images ... but anyway - I understood nothing sorry.

That is why I provided the name of the book where it was written about everything sorry.

Hey I out of touch that day I wrote the post I just thought I was ignored, but actually Thank you Poruchik for answering my question I thought I had not recieved a response & was under some unrelated presure regarding a personal matter. I apreciate everything everybody does to help one another I can only hope to be the best I can be more often and be as much help as I possibly. I try so hard to translate the russian forum, Nen's posts but because of the way russian sentence strucuring is the translators just completly fog it up. Good day,all.
