Price Distribution Function


Well, I think I made a PDF indicator with was described in Jurik, Mark. Computerized Trading book. That should show support and resistance lvls - but when I added it into a chart it looks strange - and i dont know how to make use of it. Mabye i done something wrong? Could someone check it and give me some response?

pdf.mq4  3 kb
Well, I think I made a PDF indicator with was described in Jurik, Mark. Computerized Trading book. That should show support and resistance lvls - but when I added it into a chart it looks strange - and i dont know how to make use of it. Mabye i done something wrong? Could someone check it and give me some response?

What exactly does seem strange to you?

If you could post original description then I can look if your indicator is correct or not.


Hey Beluck,

I think he was refering to the attached info.


- secXces

01.jpg  91 kb
02.jpg  80 kb

Any new updates Kalenzo? Im really looking forward to seeing this indicator progress. Let me know if theres anything I can do? lol. Anything besides



Any new updates Kalenzo? Im really looking forward to seeing this indicator progress. Let me know if theres anything I can do? lol. Anything besides



Lol yeah, that indicator would be nice invention, mabye U can translate that description to much simple english. Try to write only simple rules of that indicator extracted from that text.