Hull MA - page 4


well, thats what CJA answers about the source (or no comments)

can we blame him? but whatever reason - we developing something bit by bit

Mladen, there is a question:

I do not reccomend using buffer values to find out it's color

Let me explain: in ANY MULTICOLOR LINE indicator it is a normal occurence that when the color is changing two buffers contain the same value (you can easily check this in data window) The begining of one color must match the end of the other color


current > previous = green

current < previous = red

current = previous = yellow

- but shouldn't the color buffers be zero and than values go either to 1 or 2 or 3;

equal = yellow

what everybody would normally do - just grub the color ??

P.S. Colors - real pain in the S.

Non repainting Hull moving average

the alarm is gone


HMA only as good as the data its running on.

Broker data LOL



Well, this one I havent heard yet

HMA only as good as the data its running on. Broker data LOL
Non repainting Hull moving average

I made a non-repainting HMA4 (for all practical purposes). All I did was use the BarChanged() function (located near the end of the code) and call it upfront thusly:

if( !BarChanged ) return(0);

So, on every new bar you get a new indication that remains static until the next new indication on the next new bar. This has the advantage of preventing whiplash if you're using the current bar in an EA, but it has the disadvantage that the data is getting old by the time you get to completion of the current bar.

Note that I also removed the indicator's internal calls to use the BarChanged() function, since they became redundant.

If you have mladen's version and it doesn't repaint, then perhaps it is also static through the current bar. But, as previously stated, I won't use a Custom indicator or EA without access to the code. So I haven't downloaded it.



Just what in earth does the BarChanged() function in Banzais HMA4 indicator have to do with repainting?

It is used to determine if the alert allready alerted on the current bar

if (aAlerts)


if (tmpPrevious < tmp) //change the wt[?] number will change when the signal will trigger based on # of last bars


if (!aTurnedUp)


if (BarChanged())


Alert(AlertPrefix+"HMA "+(aRperiodf())+" Alert\nBUY signal @ Ask = $",Ask,"; Bid = $",Bid,"\nDate & Time = ",TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_DATE)," ",TimeHour(CurTime()),":",TimeMinute(CurTime()));


if (EmailOn)


SendMail(AlertPrefix,"HMA Alert\nBUY signal @ Ask = $"+DoubleToStr(Ask,4)+", Bid = $"+DoubleToStr(Bid,4)+", Date & Time = "+TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_DATE)+" "+TimeHour(CurTime())+":"+TimeMinute(CurTime())+" Stop: "+ DoubleToStr(aGetSLl(),4)+" Limit: "+DoubleToStr(aGetTPl(),4));



aTurnedUp = true;

aTurnedDown = false;



if (tmpPrevious > tmp) //change the wt[?] number will change when the signal will trigger based on # of last bars


if (!aTurnedDown)


if (BarChanged())


Alert(AlertPrefix+"HMA Alert\nSELL signal @ Ask = $",Ask,"; Bid = $",Bid,"\nDate & Time = ",TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_DATE)," ",TimeHour(CurTime()),":",TimeMinute(CurTime()));


if (EmailOn)


SendMail(AlertPrefix,"HMA Alert\nSELL signal @ Ask = $"+DoubleToStr(Ask,4)+", Bid = $"+DoubleToStr(Bid,4)+", Date & Time = "+TimeToStr(CurTime(),TIME_DATE)+" "+TimeHour(CurTime())+":"+TimeMinute(CurTime())+" Stop: "+ DoubleToStr(aGetSLs(),4)

+" Limit: "+DoubleToStr(aGetTPs(),4));



aTurnedDown = true;

aTurnedUp = false;




the BarChanged function itself :

[PHP]bool BarChanged()


static datetime dt = 0;

if (dt != Time[0])


dt = Time[0];





Please, but MILLION TIMES PLEASE, post the code with CHANGES DESCRIBED IN YOUR POST here, I really would like to see the WONDER your code change did to the indicator

good by


I made a non-repainting HMA4 (for all practical purposes). All I did was use the BarChanged() function (located near the end of the code) and call it upfront thusly:

if( !BarChanged ) return(0);

So, on every new bar you get a new indication that remains static until the next new indication on the next new bar. This has the advantage of preventing whiplash if you're using the current bar in an EA, but it has the disadvantage that the data is getting old by the time you get to completion of the current bar.

Note that I also removed the indicator's internal calls to use the BarChanged() function, since they became redundant.

If you have mladen's version and it doesn't repaint, then perhaps it is also static through the current bar. But, as previously stated, I won't use a Custom indicator or EA without access to the code. So I haven't downloaded it.

Please, but MILLION TIMES PLEASE, post the code with CHANGES DESCRIBED IN YOUR POST here, I really would like to see the WONDER your code change did to the indicator

good by


What??? Post the code??? Where's your HMA nrp code?

Anyway, if you followed my post closely, I explained it pretty well. It just allows the indicator to run once per bar. It doesn't prevent repainting at all. But it prevents oscillation of the indication on the current bar, which can be a problem. Anyhow, I have decided to dump the HMA4 indicator because of it's repainting behavior. It is not the same indicator as your HMA nrp indicator at all, which I downloaded and ran against the HMA_Russian_Color indicator posted on this forum. It matched exactly, and the latter doesn't repaint, either. So I think you adapted that one and added the normalized part so it could show the yellow part of the curve.



Post anything, to hell post sh...t if you want just make it work on mt

Find in the post hma_russian_color so feel free to compare

dont bother to answer to me, you are happy new member of my ignore list

good by

btw: guess on that picture which one is which?

What??? Post the code??? Where's your HMA nrp code?

Anyway, if you followed my post closely, I explained it pretty well. It just allows the indicator to run once per bar. It doesn't prevent repainting at all. But it prevents oscillation of the indication on the current bar, which can be a problem. Anyhow, I have decided to dump the HMA4 indicator because of it's repainting behavior. It is not the same indicator as your HMA nrp indicator at all, which I downloaded and ran against the HMA_Russian_Color indicator posted on this forum. It matched exactly, and the latter doesn't repaint, either. So I think you adapted that one and added the normalized part so it could show the yellow part of the curve.


guys, it's a forum, don't take it personally - everybody entitled and expressing opinions wright or wrong - as always on forums - just don't take it personally

we don't have much time every day to spend on fights - instead let's figure out couple reliable ways 4 color coding - there is many, let's find several good ones...

guys, it's a forum, don't take it personally - everybody entitled and expressing opinions wright or wrong - as always on forums - just don't take it personally we don't have much time every day to spend on fights - instead let's figure out couple reliable ways 4 color coding - there is many, let's find several good ones...

I agree. I have no intention of picking a fight. It's not in my nature.

Why is mladen irritated to receive comments on his adaptation of an HMA indicator? I didn't denigrate it at all! It's a good indicator! Why is he so secretive about it? It's an adaptation of the HMA_Russian_Color indicator. Even the image he posted shows that. The traces are the same except one is offset and has the yellow intervals showing. That one is mladen's.