ASCTrend system - page 63


It is good idea. I will create the thread here with the very short description of the systems.


5minute system


I was wondering if there was an updated version of Newdigitals' 5 minute system with trading instructions. I would like to test this system.



I was wondering if there was an updated version of Newdigitals' 5 minute system with trading instructions. I would like to test this system.


Still in elite section. Plus we created the different thread trying to code Portfolio Manager. Did not start yet. Just thread was created.

Newdigital, thank you for all you are sharing with us! You are a good man!

It is amazing, how much good stuff it is latelly available on the Internet - especially here at ForexTSD. I bet, you wouldn't mind to have all this help and resources available, when you were starting.



Right, Alamanjani, Newdigital is an amazing man. He helps a lot and he does it for free.

When you find people like Newdigital and others, Kalenzo, Codersguru, Igor, FXCruiser, Cja, Linuxser, Igorad..., you feel proud to be part of this community of traders.


I am glad I found it

I hope that I can learn from the good traders who are willing to share information, one day I hope I can do the same.


Right, Alamanjani, Newdigital is an amazing man. He helps a lot and he does it for free.

When you find people like Newdigital and others, Kalenzo, Codersguru, Igor, FXCruiser, Cja, Linuxser, Igorad..., you feel proud to be part of this community of traders.

True. That's why I decided to subscribe, to give back at least a little. Then I found out, there is even more :-) I thought with subscription I will only see testing results.

P.s. soon I will 'attack' your thread. But man, there are a lot of msgs. Is is OK plan, to read only first 100 pages (1,000 msg) to get idea what was going on while you were developing CatFX method, and then start reading current msgs? Woul that be enought for fully understanding (and get feeling) for your system, or you think it is necesarry, to read the whole thread?


True. That's why I decided to subscribe, to give back at least a little. Then I found out, there is even more :-) I thought with subscription I will only see testing results.

P.s. soon I will 'attack' your thread. But man, there are a lot of msgs. Is is OK plan, to read only first 100 pages (1,000 msg) to get idea what was going on while you were developing CatFX method, and then start reading current msgs? Woul that be enought for fully understanding (and get feeling) for your system, or you think it is necesarry, to read the whole thread?



CatFX50 is a huge thread. Too big, I think. You need to read the word document you'll find in post one and download all the indicators you'll find there too. Then, you read a few pages every day.

But I do not recommend to jump from here to there. You should focus in one system and when you think you've seen all you wanted to see or when you think the system is not for you, then it will be time to move on.


But I do not recommend to jump from here to there. You should focus in one system and when you think you've seen all you wanted to see or when you think the system is not for you, then it will be time to move on.

I understand what you mean. Thank you!

But (there is always 'but' lol) I'm in a search for a system, which will be easy and comfortable enough for me. So I have to try them several.



Promising. I will try to test this


Asc trend EA vs Asc trend indicator

Does anyone know why the ASC trend EA does not trade the same way as the ASC trend (manual) indicator. I'm using the asc indicator with sound and it works very well, but i need to automate this to place trades. New Digital, perhaps you could advise...?