Moving Average - page 80


Thank you Mladen.







what is the name of the average on the picture?...settings?



It is VW, but as you know, settings cannot be universals,

because volatility is different, so try to find range and maximum levels.




It is VW, but as you know, settings cannot be universals,

because volatility is different, so try to find range and maximum levels.

thank you...


Multi MA Band

Could it have calculating bands instead of point bands- like ATR, Bollinger, Starc or whatever- then we use any ma we want as the core?



All averages & bands ...

Here is a version with 3 types of bands :
BandType = 0 -> it uses points fr bands (as the built in ma levels)

BandType = 1 -> its uses standrad deviations for bands

BandType = 2 -> it uses ATR fr bands

Could it have calculating bands instead of point bands- like ATR, Bollinger, Starc or whatever- then we use any ma we want as the core? Thanks.
Here is a version with 3 types of bands :
BandType = 0 -> it uses points fr bands (as the built in ma levels)

BandType = 1 -> its uses standrad deviations for bands

BandType = 2 -> it uses ATR fr bands

I owe my Mom a few $ but you are next.

Might be a while since I trade .01 cent lots and am a terrible ultra agressive trader.




Moving Average

Its wonderful to be here on this forum. My friends are really doing good contributions, Its really great to c all getting involved in discussions.wonderfull


Thanks mladen

Thanks mladen, i dont wanna flud the forum with thanks. Although, you certainly deserve thanks for every of your posts. Its eye opener 101! And the coding is just brilliant, piece of art!

Anyways, the AllAverage with bands doesnt work properly in MTF mode. You probably know it, its just information for newbies, when they see the bands while having MTF on, not to rely on those.

Note: the screenshot is verticaly compressed, otherwise bands would be apparent.

Its not critique or complaint at all. The levels works like a charm a its great to have bands applied to so many different averages. Very grateful for that! Besides levels works just great in MTF - which is beyon sufficient in free section i guess.

Me not being coder, i cant make it work. I just know, it is not that simple from discussing it with friend coder some time ago. :-(

Thanks again,


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