Moving Average - page 96


Moving average candles

Moving average candles

ma_cndles.png  40 kb
Moving average candles

Nice. Thanks for sharing it


VARMA indicator

This indicator uses 'CMO' indicator so both attached indicator need to be in 'indicator folder' to work VARMA properly !

eurusdh4.png  43 kb
varma.mq4  2 kb
cmo.mq4  3 kb

Custom Price Moving Average indicator


Custom price MA = MA(Custom price), where

Custom price = (Coeff_Open*Open+Coeff_High*High+Coeff_Low*Low+Coeff_Close*Close)/Sum_Coeff,

Sum_Coeff = Coeff_Open+Coeff_High+Coeff_Low+Coeff_Close


And here is Custom Price indicator too !


Custom price = (Coeff_Open*Open+Coeff_High*High+Coeff_Low*Low+Coeff_Close*Close)/Sum_Coeff, where

Sum_Coeff = Coeff_Open+Coeff_High+Coeff_Low+Coeff_Close



I downloaded CROSSOVER SIGNAL and CROSSOVER SIGNAL VOICEALERT in post n°1 but do not work.....when I try to attach to a chart,it appears please....

I only want a simple cross over signal and alert sount for SMA...thank's in advance


I found the following indicator (MA CROSSOVER ALERT) and it is good for me (I only change sma period)...but,please,how can change alert sund? I want put my sound recorded by me.

Thank's in advance

I found the following indicator (MA CROSSOVER ALERT) and it is good for me (I only change sma period)...but,please,how can change alert sund? I want put my sound recorded by me. Thank's in advance

The way that indicator works, you have to change the alert sound in the options (see the attached picture). Change the file name in the alerts category to your desired file name

alerts.gif  16 kb

thank you for your reply......but if I want different alert for different indicator?

thank you for your reply......but if I want different alert for different indicator?

Then a PlaySound() function has to be used instead and the indicator has to be rewritten in order to add PlaySound(sound file name) to alert