CatFx50 - page 806


Need your help to learn to trade forex

Nina I posted in this thread in 2007 when I first found out that you could make money trading forex. I even paid you for signals.

It is very sad to hear you say "all retail traders will fail" It just isn't true.

There are many sucessful traders on this forum and other forums. I would not be so rude as to name them in your thread but if anyone would like some help they should PM me.

Fudomyo is spot on with his advice.

For me I became profitable after dumping all the indicators and concentrated on trend analysis (pring) and price action at support and resistance levels.

My trading improved again when I moved away from the 15 minute charts and learned to trade the daily, weekly and monthly charts. I can now trade the 15 minute charts even better than before. Good money management is the key to becoming profitable and STAYING profitable.

You never stop learning in this game, three years is no time at all, I am looking forward to how good it will be after five or ten years at this.

I am learning fundis now and am finding combining them with daily, weekly and monthly chart analysis is proving very helpful also.

My advice to newbs is find a good trader / mentor, preferably in a live trading room environment (I am in my fourth live room now, each one better than the last, and know I am in the right place now to take my trading to the next level) . The guy that runs this liveroom has been trading for 10 years and also manages other peoples accounts (loads a money). He is a safe trader a good teacher and is very profitable. Trading can be quite lonely so it is also a very nice place to hang out whilst watching charts.

Nina you are so wrong and I am sorry to hear you have become one of the 95% that fail.

Anyone needs any help or advice PM me.

Good luck in the future Nina.

Need ur help to trade in forex. Would appreciate if you could guide me as to the trading strategy on trends. Looking forward to your help and guidance.

Thanks in advance


ya , it could be a good scalping template -- if you use it on 4H , then add some assisted indicators around it


Indicator setting

CatFx50 - Forex STD

This is a very long thread. It will take forever to finish reading everything. But, I guess, that is the only way to get all the information.

a ema are good but u have give a right value after talking to many brokers and good traders here are the values

ema 5 with ema 13

ema 10 with lma 40

extreem which i am working on

ema 1 with ema 5

but the real thing is stop because stop is wt we need i will try to explain u in picture

picture is of 10 ema and 40 lma

You can usually recognize when an MA crossover is going to finish out by keeping an eye on the RSI and Stochastic Indicators. If you're not using them in conjunction with your MA cross, I would strongly recommend it. I'm willing to bet solid money that the RSI crossed above 50 at the point where you wanted to close out your 10/40 MA.

Just a thought.

~Happy pippin.


why is nina saying this when others are saying catfx is an amazing system.

i don't get it.


Hoping to reach XKR.

Hey, good evening XKR,

I was just reading a thread on the CATFX50, where you offerred to possibly lend a helping hand to a few traders back on Feb. 14th. If you're still able to do so, I could use a little tweaking. I've been studying hard for quite some time and would say I know a fair bit, I just can't seem to bring it all together. It's getting a little tough to stay focussed and committed.




i haven't really looked at this system.

maybe it is a stupid question - but what kind of success rate have you guys been gettting?


FX illusions & Reality

Dear All & Dear Nina

I like many here have been on a quest and yes at times FX takes u for the most part through a set of failures that take you high and slam you get up dust your clothes and begin the process again and find again you have the same experience

The odds in FX are stacked up against us ... I have stuck every possible custom indicator out there on my charts for a long time.Neither the market knows you have stuck an indicator there neither does it know what time frame you are working on ...

It finally dawned on me how to see the market...Best way that comes to mind is the human body we have hands, feet, nose ,eyes etc...but each make cant say im in only my head or hands...I am all yet not one only

Point being forex markets are not to be viewed as one pair but all pairs that make the whole..My further reserach into fx points to the fact that even market like us wants to know wheres the high or low is.. we live in a relative reality that means I know i m tall when i meet someone shorter....i know i am small when i meet someone much taller....these are two opposite truths but can exist in the same time and space.....

FX like us is a relative reality and knows it has reached its high when the lows have been see saw....These high and lows are the opposite sides anyways i can go on i just hope i m not boring any of you guys

By the way i have been making 10% daily on autopilot ....the broker banned me saying i de stabilized their yes they r unethical and want us to working on anotehr great system based on market logic & timing, fundamentals and technicals to support the 1st two...but testing , testing fine tuning on one strategy and not giving up on it has not been easy

If you ever want to know you will succeed in anything you desire just close your eyes and see if YOUR WILL has reached there before you ...Make sense?

Nite guys


Hey, good evening XKR,

I was just reading a thread on the CATFX50, where you offerred to possibly lend a helping hand to a few traders back on Feb. 14th. If you're still able to do so, I could use a little tweaking. I've been studying hard for quite some time and would say I know a fair bit, I just can't seem to bring it all together. It's getting a little tough to stay focussed and committed.



I have sent you a PM, I hope you get it. XKR.


By the way i have been making 10% daily on autopilot ....the broker banned me saying i de stabilized their yes they r unethical and want us to working on anotehr great system based on market logic & timing, fundamentals and technicals to support the 1st two...but testing , testing fine tuning on one strategy and not giving up on it has not been ea

Will you share it when done ????