CatFx50 - page 362


Signals so far...


>8:30cet: Level 4 short @1.2881, made a low @1.2661 (>9:00cet) => +20 pips **

15:30cet: Level 1 long @1.2725, made a current high @1.2780 (>16:30cet) => +55 pips **


>8:30cet: Level 4 short @1.8546, made a low @1.8513 (>9:00cet) => +33 pips **

13:30cet: Level 1 long @1.8584, made a current high @1.8687 (>16:30cet) => +103 pips **


>8:00 cet: Level 4 long @1.2303, made a high @1.2319 (>9:00cet) => +16 pips **

15:00cet-15:30cet: Level 1 short @1.2271-48, latest entry could have been at open price of 15:30cet-candle @1.2241, made a current low @1.2180 (>16:30cet) => + 61 to +90 pips **

entry here depends on the personal usage of the filters aNina (cross was after close 15:30) and -0.04 (overstepping shortly after opening of the candle.

** maximum favourable excursion ex spread // not real reached pips in every case


Sure npj6400? When yes, that would be big differences in data feed.

On my chart (NorthFinance) the histo step is so clearly in green area and aNina has crossed clear too. I have the filters attached too.


Yes - histo was green and nina had crossed as well for me - but not above filter 0.04 at time that I was looking at signal , but on 2nd open > ema50 it then was clearly way above 0.04.

Your examples have the indicator way above 0.04 from start, its no issue for me because I dont trade cable but I was curious and if I did trade I would of got onto level 2 with every one else.


folks to make things easier for all of us if you would download neuimex platform we wouldnt have all these different price feeds i use this platform so does nina i get my signals off of these charts to trade my live acct on a different platform

I'm trialling Neuimax demo for feed - so thats no issue for me - I know that many traders here have multiple accounts on Alpari, North Finance so we just need to agree on one feed for signal generation and use that for reference.

hi folks sorry wasnt here this morning was helping someone trading this morning here is a chart of the pound trade i put on this was a clear entry closed above pivot also closed above last high only place to go was to next last high which was mr2 level

Harold, the Pivot-indicator you use is far better than what I have in as much that it does not fill the entire screen. Would you mind sending it to me? Or post it here, please? Thanks.


can't wait to

can't wait to move back to thailand the pacific time zone is killing any trading i would like to do. I guess when i go live i will get up and do it but for now i wake up everymorning in time for the recap of the days goodness. but thaialnd on the otherhand our trading hours stretch from 2pm til midnight. perfect for holding down a part time job in the mornings coming home and waiting for the signal.

This system generates 1-2 signals a day. per currency primarily when the european and new york markets open. i can see a point in the future when i have a better understanding of the markets when i can narrow down the time spent watching pips to focus on these two key times. possibly get myself in a mode have lunch boot up the computer read the news financial and otherwise and then wait for the trade. and then stop!!



It is a good aidea: we should have the same MT4 platform.

I have three: Neuimex; Mig and NorthFinance.

The one I use to take signals is Neuimex.

And my live brokers are Real Time Forex, OANDA and Refco. I could open a live account at Neuimex soon too.




folks to make things easier for all of us if you would download neuimex platform we wouldnt have all these different price feeds i use this platform so does nina i get my signals off of these charts to trade my live acct on a different platform

Done -- do you know what their min is to open live account ?

I have an FXDD account -- but waiting for them to go with MT4 to fund

Thanks -- and again thanks to all -- this is the BEST I have found and I have been looking for about 1 yr -- sticking with you now



what is their minimum balance looking but not finding anywhere. does not look like they do mini accounts at all. but how bigtime do you actually need to be?

also what is link for oanda. is it fxtrade.oanda? there also seems to be fxgame.oanda. i am sure one or the other is not the real thing.

also what is link for oanda. is it fxtrade.oanda? there also seems to be fxgame.oanda. i am sure one or the other is not the real thing.

If you want to trade with real money, you have to open a FXTrade account.

FXGame is the demoversion, the word Game explains it.

So there you can play with virtual money.

what is their minimum balance looking but not finding anywhere. does not look like they do mini accounts at all. but how bigtime do you actually need to be?

1-2k -- I cant find it either which is why I was asking. -- Guess I need to call them. Hope they speak English or Spanish

I can save up to 5k -- but prefer -- 1-2k
