CatFx50 - page 328


true but on that move chf hit R1 and came down so next stop was daily pivot so i played the reentry eur


Euro and Swissy above EMA 50 and Cable below EMA 50 at the moment with long candles.

Strange market again today afternoon. Take care


Also, 120ema white line.

eurusd_3.gif  36 kb


From a Forex site:

"Dollar Failed to Ride on Strong Data

US durable goods order in March increased 6.1%, much higher than expectation of 1.6% growth,being the fastest growth in 10 months. Ex-transport orders is also strong and increased 2.8% versus 1.0% consensus. New home sales jumped 13.8%, to 1.21m in March from 1.06m, fastest since Apr 1993. However, dollar trades with an undertone in early US session, retreating from day high. Euro remains firm."



and why?

You know there are a lot of people out there that behaves as gurus, as visionaries. They predict, they think they "know" the future. There are a lot of people too that trade following "fundis". And there a lot of people that do not care about "fundis" nor the future. They follow TA (we do this here). I do not know who are the best.

All I know is that if big money wants to be $ bearish, we are $ bearish. And when big money wants to be $ bullish, we are $ bullish. This is not a democracy, mates. We are here to obey. If you do not obey them, you are dead. That's it.

Smart people, they do not trade, saw all that and they decide to make more money selling signals, systems and so on. A lot of newbies knock FOREX door everyday. Knock, knock, knock!!!! How long do they last?

Buddies, try to "feel" the market, try to guess where big money is. If I knew that, trust me, I'd quitted my daily job a long, long time ago.

You've seen me here saying "$ is down; $ is down" and you've seen too my levels. Look at them and good luck.



Buddies, try to "feel" the market, try to guess where big money is. If I knew that, trust me, I'd quitted my daily job a long, long time ago.


Nina with the kind of signals (PIPS) that catfx50 gives should be suficient to make a living, or not? I know the cost of living in spain is expensive, but that much?!!! I think catfx makes more, but imagine it only makes 200 pips a month, including loses, investing 2/3 lots, i think is good money or no? maybe i am wrong.


From a Forex site:

"Dollar Failed to Ride on Strong Data

US durable goods order in March increased 6.1%, much higher than expectation of 1.6% growth,being the fastest growth in 10 months. Ex-transport orders is also strong and increased 2.8% versus 1.0% consensus. New home sales jumped 13.8%, to 1.21m in March from 1.06m, fastest since Apr 1993. However, dollar trades with an undertone in early US session, retreating from day high. Euro remains firm."



and why?

You know there are a lot of people out there that behaves as gurus, as visionaries. They predict, they think they "know" the future. There are a lot of people too that trade following "fundis". And there a lot of people that do not care about "fundis" nor the future. They follow TA (we do this here). I do not know who are the best.

All I know is that if big money wants to be $ bearish, we are $ bearish. And when big money wants to be $ bullish, we are $ bullish. This is not a democracy, mates. We are here to obey. If you do not obey them, you are dead. That's it.

Smart people, they do not trade, saw all that and they decide to make more money selling signals, systems and so on. A lot of newbies knock FOREX door everyday. Knock, knock, knock!!!! How long do they last?

Buddies, try to "feel" the market, try to guess where big money is. If I knew that, trust me, I'd quitted my daily job a long, long time ago.

You've seen me here saying "$ is down; $ is down" and you've seen too my levels. Look at them and good luck.


Thanks for the insight Nina - I think the only way to go today was to sit it out.

Wayy to choppyyyyyy.

The only way I got any pips (about 30) today was following the Fib lines - seeing where it stopped and jumping on the retracement.

But CatFx50 doesn't really handle these kinda days very well.

Actually, I cannot think of anything that would really work very well today - even the Fib retrace is very very risky and today is probably the last day I'll try that....

almost gave me a heart attack...


reemul99 you've done really well, 30pips well done. Someone said somewhere rather than sit it out and wait for the trend, why not learn to trade the range as well and make pips, which is what you are doing.

Nina with the kind of signals (PIPS) that catfx50 gives should be suficient to make a living, or not? I know the cost of living in spain is expensive, but that much?!!! I think catfx makes more, but imagine it only makes 200 pips a month, including loses, investing 2/3 lots, i think is good money or no? maybe i am wrong.

Hi, Hugo!

Yes, right. You can make a living with CatFX50.

About trading multi-lots: well, I think is the way to make money here.


Thanks for the insight Nina - I think the only way to go today was to sit it out.

Wayy to choppyyyyyy.

The only way I got any pips (about 30) today was following the Fib lines - seeing where it stopped and jumping on the retracement.

But CatFx50 doesn't really handle these kinda days very well.

Actually, I cannot think of anything that would really work very well today - even the Fib retrace is very very risky and today is probably the last day I'll try that....

almost gave me a heart attack...

Hi, Reemul99!!!

I can not make a recap now. I do not know if today is a bad day for CatFX50. I, myself, shorted cable and made 35 pips. But you are right:

when we are lost, the best system is not trade or widen the time frame.

And remember, Reemul99, we not need to trade every single day. If we do not feel confident, if we see a lot of spikes the best thing to do is take a day off.


reemul99 you've done really well, 30pips well done. Someone said somewhere rather than sit it out and wait for the trend, why not learn to trade the range as well and make pips, which is what you are doing.

Thanks Dave!

I do have to say, in retrospect, that sitting it out may have been a better plan.

The problem with Resistance and Support retracement is that you are truly gambling. You dont really have anything to indicate if currency will bust through the Support or Resistance line that you are "betting" it will bounce off of and retrace....

Its very risky, and almost gave me a heart attack (the EUR went strongly against me at one point, but ultimately retraced for a profit)...

but thanks!