CatFx50 - page 220


At "Tools" - "Options"

I have "Max bars in history" 2147483647 and "Max bars in Chart" 2147483647.

Step has more than 20000 bars to count, see the screenshot I attached in my previous post.



Hello everybody,

Please, is it posible to set an alarm to Step RSI (every time the blue and magenta lines cross) as you did with StepMa Stoch? I will apreciate.





Considering you have a full time occupation, you're doing a good job here Thanks for the system, will begin trading with it next week.

At "Tools" - "Options"

I have "Max bars in history" 2147483647 and "Max bars in Chart" 2147483647.

Step has more than 20000 bars to count, see the screenshot I attached in my previous post.

Hi Docsniper, hi Nina,

a) do you use the "normal" MT4 from Metaquotes or a special configured MT4 for Neuimex

b) both are using demo-account or is there someone with a real account

Perhaps there could be

1) differences in this "adapted" versions of MT4 or

2) differences between demo and real account at Neuimex

3) the reason could be different the download rates of your internet connection (perhaps there is somethins like a optimization of MT4 of the data based on the available bandwidth) or

4) Different ports from the provider Neuimex provide a little different data

5) Different historical data after changing the provider (I do not know if MT4 is refreshing the previous loaded historical data if you change the data feed)

strange.... but no reason not to trade....

b.r. mibl


Good Morning, folks!

Well, another "non-clear" day so far.

If you do not see what I call "determination", do not trade.

BTW, people that trade CatFX50 during asian session should be happy today.

Strong support on cable between 1.7475 and 1.7455.



Hi Nina

first I want to thank you for your great system.

Mibl also thanks for your great work.

I trade your system since around 1 month, and it works very well.

I read the whole thread some weeks ago and tested all the step stoch indikators, and I have no short signal on 20.03.06 13.00 CET, and I had have also less wrong signals than some postet in the forum. Why? Because I use Hist. Step Stoch. AND StepMA_Stoch_v1. I take the trade only if both show a buy or sell signal. And there was a sell signal on the Hist. Step. but not on the other one. I saw more situtions where there was a wrong signal with Hist. Step.Stoch, but the second one saved me, so I also don't need another filter, because these two indikators are a VERY good filter. I also trade on Neuimex Metatrader.

If sombody could explain me how to post a chart I could do that, because I am new in this tread.



Hi Erkro,

Using booth indicators are a good filter for avoid false signals, but what`s your exit strategy?




nice level 2 on euro/usd in at 2133 short

Hi Nina

first I want to thank you for your great system.

Mibl also thanks for your great work.

I trade your system since around 1 month, and it works very well.

I read the whole thread some weeks ago and tested all the step stoch indikators, and I have no short signal on 20.03.06 13.00 CET, and I had have also less wrong signals than some postet in the forum. Why? Because I use Hist. Step Stoch. AND StepMA_Stoch_v1. I take the trade only if both show a buy or sell signal. And there was a sell signal on the Hist. Step. but not on the other one. I saw more situtions where there was a wrong signal with Hist. Step.Stoch, but the second one saved me, so I also don't need another filter, because these two indikators are a VERY good filter. I also trade on Neuimex Metatrader.

If sombody could explain me how to post a chart I could do that, because I am new in this tread.


Hi erkro, use the paper-clip-button in the input box in the toolbar to add files to your posting



exited trade at 2115 murry math level on 15 min chart for 15 pips