CatFx50 - page 138


yes, as I have understood the operation of the indicator, past values of the indicator should not change. But I thought so it is, is it not?


But I thought it is (past values do not change) - is it not?


the past value of candles never change and the indictor that dont repaint past should never change either but thats not what happened today step ma stoc value changed a few candles later


sure? As long as I follow the system / indicator I didnt recognized such a situation. You chanced to make screenshots about that?


mibl what happened today was at 1530 candle i saw at close of candle the step ma stoc closed below and 50 ema also closed i went out and when i got back and looked at chart and data window it showed that on that candle there was not a close below on step ma stoc thats why i got alarmed by this and am saying this indicator might be repainting past


So what you wrte is that this is not only happening to the current bar, but also to 2-3 bars before. Difference between realtime data and near time data. I will watch at this the next time if this occurs on my charts too. Perhaps it could be up to the corresponding data provider.



Now i'm back. What i saw happened within the active bar and so there's nothing wrong with it. Probably it can be seen from the code quite easily what it does.


no it happened after the fact at 1530 step ma stoc closed value was something like 69 70 after candle closed later when i came back value on that same candle was74 71


It's amazing to see so many people earned money using CatFX50. I devised various kinds of EA with various kinds of exit based on the CatFX50 and didn't find any EA that can profit in the long run. I think in order to earn money using CatFx50, you still need your intuition and your understanding of the current news. Geez.


what exits?