Drummond Geometry ,PLDOT - page 3

hi fx-programmer...

I've this indicator and i think its the same of yours...

btw, the autor of this indicator its kalenzo...

Hey Hellkas,

I dont understand - why are you all attacking ?

Fx-programmer never said he programmed what he posted - he said that he will serach the code for you guys....

If you keep this up - nobody will post stuff.

Hey Hellkas,

I dont understand - why are you all attacking ?

Fx-programmer never said he programmed what he posted - he said that he will serach the code for you guys....

If you keep this up - nobody will post stuff.

Attacking? Did you read what you posted at JD thread? And now you are praising him. I do not know who you are but it does sound that you have a tendency speaking from both sides of your mouth.


Kalenzo's version of the indicator is wrong - he also has the source codes but was unable to program it properly.

i only asked about 5 times for someone to code this before I got a GOOD programmer who i am working with now - and guess how long it took him to finish about 20 indicators? That's right, a little under 6 hours!

Hey Hellkas,

I dont understand - why are you all attacking ?

Fx-programmer never said he programmed what he posted - he said that he will serach the code for you guys....

If you keep this up - nobody will post stuff.

Hi pip-gandalf...

I dont have intention to attack nobody, i think it has a misunderstanding here.

I only put the indicator here for fx-programmer see the source code.

I thought that he did not have the source code. My intention was to help him not spend his time.

Maybe I am misunderstanding. Sorry.

Attack... If you see all mine posts you do not have any to attack to nobody. That is one forum where the people give its ideas, I can not agree, but i respect all..

scott TTM:
Kalenzo's version of the indicator is wrong - he also has the source codes but was unable to program it properly. i only asked about 5 times for someone to code this before I got a GOOD programmer who i am working with now - and guess how long it took him to finish about 20 indicators? That's right, a little under 6 hours!

So you expect people to do all the coding for you and what do you offer in return? Just curious.


Drummond Geometry

I also have the drummond indicators, lessons and books and have found it to be the best method i have come across so far. It is very involved and is not easy to understand at first. Takes alot of time to get an understanding of the whole concept. I got it free about 5 months ago and still have not gone through all the materials. So far though it is something to add to your existing analysis. Just dont pay for it. I have yet to find a system out there worth paying for. Iam also thinking of putting up a website or blog to discuss drummond geometry "sure foot trades".




Drummond Geometry

I have been trading Drummond Geometry for a few years now and find it the best out there as some others here have, and it very quickly paid for the cost of the course once I understood it which took me three months. The PLdot indicator is the smallest part of it, and that is easily available in various places, including materials published on the Drummond website. The big value comes in the coordination of support and resistance in different time frames and when I hit this right I always make a lot of money on that day. It is ideal for longer trades as well as intraday but I cann't take the longer trades due to some erratic work situations here.... I can only trade on certain days. The drummond group has been doing some new work lately and Charlie Drummond himself is still adding to the method. I like what I have seen of his daily updates on new work but have not yet purchased the new "Mother Goose" and "Blue Zone" indicators and so I don't know if the will be as good as they look, and I can't comment on their new "setup" efforts. I have not seen this forum as I rarely trade forex but when I did try it on forex once DG fell right into place, I think it works on forex like any other market.


DG envelope Multiple time frames

The DG Envelope looks right but we need someone to program it for three time frames.

example 15 min envelope, on top of hourly envelope, on top of daily envelope.

If someone is willing to do that i will give u the understanding of how u use it in ur trading.

I had recieved the dg indicators and lessons free but sometime ago my pc crashed and i had lost everything on account i did not back it up....stupid...lost my contact who gave it to me in online chatroom.

I hope some smart programmer will help as i wish i ad the indicators.



from what i recall it is a variabled multiple of [X] times the current time frame....example multiple of [4].......the actual indicator lets u specify the multiple but the default is 4...hence 15 on top of hourly and so forth


DG software


I dont know if this is still useful to anyone but i am currently taking the DG lessons and have the 'lite' version of the software. its still very good as it indicates where all the points (1-1, 5-1,5-2 etc) and envelopes go. ive seen some of coding which looks great, i do ask though if anyone can project the envelope into the next bar (as done with the pldot_v1.1). Im not very good at programming but i do have the software so if anyone can do it, that would be great...

I have seen the Tradestation in operation with DG and it does project into future prices but not by offsetting the indicator as this is wrong. if anyone is interested please let me know.