MT4 Files Functions Replacement.


Hi folks,

A lot of people asked me and metaquotes forum about file handling functions.

I think MT4 have a lot of bugs in those functions.

1- They don't work in backtesting

2- They don't write outside "MetaTrader 4\experts\files" path.

Today I opened my Visual C++ and wrote a file handling dll for MT4, I hope you enjoy it, and its source code, and tell me your .


1- Extract the "mtguru1.dll" to "MetaTrader 4\experts\libraries" path.

2- Extract "FilesDemo.mq4" to "MetaTrader 4\experts\indicators" path and compile it.

3- Extract "gFiles.mqh" to "MetaTrader 4\experts\include".

4- Load FilesDemo from your Indicators - don't forget to enbable "Allow DLL Import"

5- Enjoy.

Files:  95 kb


Hi folks,

Any feedback please ?


Well, I haven't tested it. But if it works..that is AWESOME!!

I checked out the demo .mq4 file, and it is so simple and elegant. Good work.

The only issue I have is what to do about new lines.

How do I use gFile to write a new line?



Well, I haven't tested it. But if it works..that is AWESOME!!

I checked out the demo .mq4 file, and it is so simple and elegant. Good work.

The only issue I have is what to do about new lines.

How do I use gFile to write a new line?


Thank you very much for your comment.

I think the new line printing issue needs some work from me, Thanks for the notice.


well done , but file functions (as well as many other) may be used directly from windows API dlls.

example of file copy function import:

#import "Kernel32.dll"

bool CopyFileA (string source_file, string destination_file, bool if_exist);

with DLLs you can do a lot of things, like SQL database access and so on.


where can I find a list of all functions available in kernel32.dll (and other windows .dll's)?

Edit: Found it. See attched.

kernel32.txt  306 kb

That's right, but?

well done , but file functions (as well as many other) may be used directly from windows API dlls.

example of file copy function import:

#import "Kernel32.dll"

bool CopyFileA (string source_file, string destination_file, bool if_exist);

with DLLs you can do a lot of things, like SQL database access and so on.


That's right , but could you give me .mql demo shows me how to use the kernel32 functions CreateFile, OpenFile,WriteFileand ReadFile in MQL4

HANDLE CreateFile(

LPCTSTR lpFileName,

DWORD dwDesiredAccess,

DWORD dwShareMode,


DWORD dwCreationDisposition,

DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes,

HANDLE hTemplateFile


HFILE OpenFile(

LPCSTR lpFileName,


UINT uStyle


BOOL WriteFile(


LPCVOID lpBuffer,

DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite,

LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten,



BOOL ReadFile(


LPVOID lpBuffer,

DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead,

LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead,




alerts.mqh not part of, could not run FilesDemo? Thanking you in advance.



sx ted:
alerts.mqh not part of, could not run FilesDemo? Thanking you in advance.

sx ted,

I'm sorry, I meant "gFiles.mqh"

To run FilesDemo:

1- Extract the "mtguru1.dll" to "MetaTrader 4\experts\libraries" path.

2- Extract "FilesDemo.mq4" to "MetaTrader 4\experts\indicators" path and compile it.

3- Extract "gFiles.mqh" to "MetaTrader 4\experts\include".

4- Load FilesDemo from your Indicators - don't forget to enbable "Allow DLL Import"



CodersGuru, thank u super, have u got equivalent of FileTell()



sx ted:
CodersGuru, thank u super, have u got equivalent of FileTell()

sx ted,

I've updated the program. Now it includes these functions:

int gFileOpen(string file_name,int mode);

bool gFileWrite(int handle,string data);

bool gFileClose(int handle);

string gFileRead(int handle,int length=0);

void gFileSeek(int handle,int offset, int mode);

bool gFileDelete(string file_name);

int gFileSize(int handle);

int gFileTell(int handle);

bool gFileFlush(int handle);

bool gFileCopy(string source,string distance,bool IfExists);

bool gFileMove(string source,string distance);

I hope you enjoy it.

Files:  88 kb