Wma 5/20 - Ema - page 3


We may also use Bolinger Bands, like this :

Take ENTRANCE just when diffrence between BB+ and BB- is equal or more than 10 pips - (that we can change of course) - like in point one on the chart.

Exit on signal or when price is touching BB middle line - or both - like point two

In that method is a weak point - like point 3 - good move but not enough pips diffrence between BB+ and BB- so when we see something like that we could check if BB bands are expanding and if on some few previus bar we had a signal - we take that trade.

What do U think about it ?

I used BB with:

Interval 20

Price Weighted

Deviation 2

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Beluck converted one indicator for ACSTrebd system (attached).

I am trying to combine our indicator and this Beluck's indicator:

- blue line is uptrend and only blue dots are valid in our indicator;

- red line in Beluck's indicator is downtrend and red dots of our indicator are valid only.

I am trying th play with ATR period to find the correlation between indicators.


In ASCTrend system they use ATR period 7.

So if we adjust the period 7 in NRTR_color_line.mq4 indicator so we will have correlation. Look at the images.

Besides some members of this forum evaluated the indicator which is very similar with NRTR_color_line.mq4. Almost the same. But they did it for exit and to filter the Trendmanager's signals here.

As to Bolinger Bands so I do not know this indicator. I did not work with it before. I do not know.

Anyway I am continuing to find some filter.

Because it is ok with this NRTR_color_line.mq4 indicator with ATR period 7. But it is the same with Braintrading system: sometimes we have correlation between indicators and price, sometimes not.

It should be something very simple.

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I tried WPRfast and WPRslow indicator but they are confirming everything.

I will try to play with the settings of these WPR indicators.

I think it should be something very different.

I will try Ichimoku as well. But not sure about.

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And good and right signal for exit.

I just changed the arrow on to dots to be the same with Braintrading system.

So, we have two indicator with selectable settings. One is drowing the arrows, an other one - dots. The same with Braintrading.

So, we can play with these two indicators.

And we need to think for the confirming signals or to use some filter for the confirmation.

I will think about it.

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I uploaded the indicators here https://www.mql5.com/en/forum

It was bug. Sorry.


I've testet it with difrent setup and it gived me almost the same result. It looks like very proftable method - the main question is how many it will generate false signals like U know the price goes up for a moment AVG go up also - touches another AVG and the SIGNAL entrance is showing up, next the price is going down and the Signal dispaears ... but u have opened an order... lol, we will see that in monday :):)

I counted pips for that strategy - if we could enter on Open Pirce and Exit on X or Parabolic sar (I used it with 0.018, 0.3) The profit on 30 min chart - GBP will be more than 600 pips...


I wonder how to make signal on that area in circle without changing AVG parameters. Mabye some other kind of signal with will take only such a big trades, some slow indicator like adx - that will not give signal on first arrow but give the signal later.

I've testet it with difrent setup and it gived me almost the same result. It looks like very proftable method - the main question is how many it will generate false signals like U know the price goes up for a moment AVG go up also - touches another AVG and the SIGNAL entrance is showing up, next the price is going down and the Signal dispaears ... but u have opened an order... lol, we will see that in monday :):) I counted pips for that strategy - if we could enter on Open Pirce and Exit on X or Parabolic sar (I used it with 0.018, 0.3) The profit on 30 min chart - GBP will be more than 600 pips...

What is AVG?

ATR? NRTR_color_line indicator?

I wonder how to make signal on that area in circle without changing AVG parameters. Mabye some other kind of signal with will take only such a big trades, some slow indicator like adx - that will not give signal on first arrow but give the signal later.

You are right.

If we filter almost everything except big trades (big movement of the price) we will have very good results.

Otherwise it will be a lot of false trades with losses.

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