Ask! - page 12

Hi all coders...

What I've to do to solve this error: zero divide?

Thank you for any help...

The problem is the line of code


where MyHigh equal to MyLow.

To correct it use this

double dDif = (MyHigh-MyLow); if (dDif == 0) dDif = 0.00001;


here the corrected version


Can an EA set Parameter of an Attached Indicator ?


i have an idea to build a system that has an EA and also visual representation of the sytem. but i have no idea how an EA can set parameter for attached indicator.

let say for if the indicator has EnableAlerts... when user set the Enable Alerts to 1 in an EA, than the attached indicator also change it's Enable Alerts Variable to 1 and vice versa..

i hope you got my point.




Why using indicator buffers instead of array ?


i create another thread for this same question, but i think this is the correct one to ask.

i sometimes see this line of code :

//---- 2 additional buffers are used for counting.




i wonder why we use Indicator Buffers to save variables instead we use array ? what's the main idea for this method..

thank you



Question about MSN Style Pop Alert!


i read your article about customizing pop alert. May i know the tools you use to build the the object ? or can i do custom alert ?


Hi folks,

I've got a lot of private messages asking me for helping with some pieces of code.

Here you can post your questions related to MQL4, and I'll do my best to answer them.

Hi codersguru,

First I'd like to thank you for your great really are a "coders guru"!

I would very much like to learn to write my own indicators using MQL4.

Could you please tell me how i can find all your MQL4 lessons. I tried the links within the lessons but they no longer work. I am a TOTAL newbie to all this...FX and your help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance



How can I use mql to process historical data, convert data into some result and out put to a file?

How can I use mql to process historical data, convert data into some result and out put to a file?

I have this script to write historical data. U can reverse the write command with the read command. Hope it will help you


Sorry for asking this here, but I have been looking for a really good indicator based on Adx that does not give multiple signals on small trend movements, only when there is a major trend, I aslo need sound alert

Thanks for any help