Ask! - page 46


Server Time Change

I saw a script to change your broker's server time to yours, and I can't find it again.

Can someone please tell me where to find it our attach the file.

Thanks in advance.




Well, some more work and I think I may have come to understand the "Draw_Histogram" portion of the SetIndexStyle() statement....

To draw a Histogram requires two points on the Y axis, an upper point and a lower point. The "Draw_Histogram" function utilizes the last 2 buffer outputs to obtain those points. It appears the 1st buffer is the beginning point on the Y axis and the 2nd buffer is the ending point on the Y axis.

Here is an example:












ExtMapBuffer1[cnt]= Pivot_Point ;

ExtMapBuffer2[cnt]= Pivot_Point+(Buy_Line*Point); // 1st Point

ExtMapBuffer3[cnt]= Pivot_Point+(Short_Line*Point); //2nd Point

ExtMapBuffer4[cnt]= (Pivot_Point+(Buy_Line*Point)); // Histogram output


The length of the Histogram line is the difference between these 2 buffer points. By altering the distance between these 2 points, the length of the Histogram line is altered as well.

Hope I am correct in my deductions... If anyone has anything to add please do.. I would like to know that I fully understand this function.

As well, hope this explanation might help someone else who is trying to utilize this function in their work.




Crosses question

I am trying to code multiple crosses as conditions to enter the market. Such as (for example)

if (rsi is crossing 50 on its way up and MFI is crossing 40 on its way up)


do xyz;


I know this should be simple but I am having trouble with it. Any assistance appreciated. Thanks in advance.



Could not upload

Hi, Did anyone ever do this indicator with an alarm for you?


This is what you are looking for.

I find that it is best on a 15M chart.


I'm totally new to programming EA's, but I do now C++ and mostly the two languages seem to be the same, I just need some information about things specific to MetaTrader -

Firstly, how would you check if the moving average passed between the open and close of the previous candle, I would like the program to do this everytime a new candle starts forming.

So for this I would just like to know the following -

is there a function that returns the position of the moving average?

is there a function/s that returns the open and the close of the previous candlestick?

also is there a function that returns the current market value?

Secondly, what are the functions to buy and sell

I would appreciate any answers that could be given to these questions and apologize if these have been answered before, as navigating and searhing forums has never been one of my strong points.


is there a function that returns the position of the moving average?


is there a function/s that returns the open and the close of the previous candlestick?

iClose() , iOpen()

also is there a function that returns the current market value?

Bid,Ask or MarketInfo()

Secondly, what are the functions to buy and sell


If you look at the navigator in the metaeditor, it will give you the perameters to be passed, and values returned



Could you please post an indicator to draw simultaneously the High and Low levels for 5 days.(5 high lines and 5 low lines).Thanks in advance.


Hi all

is there any histogram indicator to draw arrow on chart not on separate window ? I want to have arrow when ADX cross a level but on hight/low of candle,

is there any sample to use that code ?


new to this

Dear CG,

Your help would be appreciated.

1-which system generates $30000/month, as indicated on the "home" page

2-how to have crosshairs stay active in Metatrader on all charts in a layout

without having to click every chart in the layout separately and on the

crosshairs tool

3- why doesn't the saved template, when applied, apply to all three new

open charts

Thank you.
