Unique Opportunity


Coders' Guru,

I want to say you thanks a lot.

It is very good that we are studing the mql 4 programming. Of course we will not be programmers. But we may estimate easily our ideas before programming it and will be more easy (easy going) and more professional. You know that to prove some simple ideas we have two ways now:

- demo testing;

- program EA for the testing.

It will be more quickly for us to estimate everything.

Coders' Guru, I know that you are waiting for the questions. And I know how important for the teacher to have questions to know about auditorium, to create community, to study all together.

I think you will have questions. As to me so I am still on lessons # 3.

I need some time to understand. To change my mind onto programming way.

I printed your lessons and I am studying it every day. I know about many forums and possibilities which we may have in other forums and I may say you that it is really unique opportunity we have to start this subject. Really unique.

I hope that many people will understand it and will join your lessons.



codersguru! for president!

codersguru! for president!


I find this work very helpful and productive for the future and next Generation



Thanks Great Traders from a little programmer trying to serve you.


Hey Codeguru, I've been checking out your MQL4 Lessons that you've been posting. They are good. I would like to post them somewhere so that people can browse through them online without having to dig through a forum.

If that sounds like a good idea to you, pm me and we will get it set up. I'm not trying to take credit or profit from the lessons. But they seem to be some of the best lessons I've seen. I would hate for them to get lost in a forum.



Hey Codeguru, I've been checking out your MQL4 Lessons that you've been posting. They are good. I would like to post them somewhere so that people can browse through them online without having to dig through a forum. If that sounds like a good idea to you, pm me and we will get it set up. I'm not trying to take credit or profit from the lessons. But they seem to be some of the best lessons I've seen. I would hate for them to get lost in a forum.

Hi fivewhy,

Thank you very much for kind words.

We have converted the lessons to pdf, with proper link to this forum.

So,Please feel free to upload those PDFs to any place you want without doing any modifications in it.