Jurik - page 34


JMA mq4 Code

Forgive me if this is redundant.

I searched the threads and site regarding the Jurik JMA. I've found several versions one by "Spiggy" another by weld torguem. I have 3 questions:

1. is there a C or C++ version of the weld torguem mq4 code?

2. where did the code for the versions here come from?

3. CB seemed to imply that he had written an algorithm to duplicate the JMA using signal processing principles, but never posted an example of his code. Did I miss that?

Thanks in advance


bumping previous post

bump the previous message.


can someone add "levels" to JMA ap.mq4

thanks again for this great site and your help mrtools.

i was wondering if someone could add a "levels" category to the JMA ap.mq4 indicator from mrtools #330 post. just like the simple moving average has a "levels" tab to add another line (or multiple lines) +/- above and or below the plotted moving average line like -100/+100 levels from the plotted moving average. this would be greatly appreciated. thanks


Jurik Moving Averages Drifting

Hi all

Has anyone experiencing a drift on the JMAs. After letting them run on the chart for a while when I refresh them they change? Anyone know why this may be?



Be careful which JMA you use

What I know that conversions of starlight versions are repainting (and I mean repainting as in wrong code). Use Kositsins version or igorads Jurik filter from the elite section (those 2 do not repaint values, frankly other versions I did not test - did not need to)

Hi all Has anyone experiencing a drift on the JMAs. After letting them run on the chart for a while when I refresh them they change? Anyone know why this may be?

sundul gan



HI ,

i found also this other indicators about jurikres website :

JMA / DWMA oscillator


CFB dynamically adjusting RSX

interested also this jrc2 RSX.

if there is someone can get something like this.

it's seem good and interesting stuff



If this indicator is posted, yes, it would be great


Help please - frustrated, dejected and basically pissed off

Greetings, newdigital (or any other kind soul who happens to read this and is willing to lend a hand),

I realize this thread is basically idle these days, but at this point, I have nothing to lose with this request. I have been working many hours these past two days in an attempt to get some of these Jurik indicators up and running, all to no avail. I have read the entire thread several times, and your specific instructional posts numerous times. I simply cannot figure out what I am doing wrong, but any indicator I try to compile returns anywhere from 2 to 30 error messages.

I am using the MBT Metatrader platform, and also WinRaR for handling the zipped files. I am working from the NK_libraryEng.zip folder, as provided in Post #133 (default pg.14). My last attempt consisted of extracting all the files to temporary folders, and then manually distributing each file using drag and drop to either the required MT4/Experts/Include or MT4/Experts/Indicators folders. Previously handling the files in groups seemed to create additional folders within the directory pathways, and I thought perhaps this was causing my problems. I also did NOT compile any .mqh files, per your instructions.

I thought I would include a couple pics of compile error messages in the hopes that you might be able to decipher what is wrong here. I would certainly be very appreciative of any help you may be able to provide.

Regards ... tbone60


i need VEL