Jurik - page 28

is there a chance to find somewhere EXCEL formulas for JMA, JADX.... ?

See this post. And other several posts on the thread about errors and setup.


İs there any Jurik Aroon indicator?I could not find one.Thanks.

İs there any Jurik Aroon indicator?I could not find one.Thanks.

Don't think so.

Many members are posting some troubles after install NK_library.zip.

Generally this problems are caused because the user just drop everything into /experts/indicators folder

A second problem is the instructions inside the compressed file are in Russian.

I made this easy to install compressed file to avoid this problem.

Just decompress into into Metatrader 4 experts folder, click "ok" to overwrite and ready to use.

Twice Easy.

Just unzip and run the exe following the instructions.


Thanks for these wonderful indicators.

I would be surprised if they were really the original Jurik version because when I bought a version for Wealthlab from the Jurik site I had to fax the invoice of the new computer I had bought to be allowed to get another version for that computer. They are very strict about its release. To see it floating around on the net was a little surprising - especially since it is 'under development' on the Jurik site.Software Compatibility Support

Anyway I find the 3c_JJMA the best and am hoping someone will be able to modify it or show me how to modify it so that if the trend changes colour the candles do too (not just the MA) in the same way as Hull_Trend indicator, heikin_Ashi etc.

3c_jjma.mq4  3 kb

CFB and adaptive JMA

Does anybody has an experience in usage of adaptive JMA with CFB as a trend adaptor ?? CFB in this case is changing period of JMA making JMA adaptive.




Be careful with usage of what is known as cfb for metatrader (you might find yourself loosing time and nerves, as I did)

The problem is that what can be found is just a function that is internally used in cfb calculation (cfbAUX) and even that has a logical error in coding which causes wrong values calculation.

compared : cfbAUX (the correct one in this case) and cfb (I call it cfb level 7 - Jurik would call it cfb 192).

btw: JMA is already adaptive

PS: added correct cfbAUX with a "original" code at the end of it (that is a decompiled code for welth lab developer that can be found on a quite a lot of places) that can be used as a basis for making of cfb indicator



Does anybody has an experience in usage of adaptive JMA with CFB as a trend adaptor ?? CFB in this case is changing period of JMA making JMA adaptive. Krzysztof
cfbaux.mq4  19 kb

Cfb & jma

I'm lucky because I have a original version of CFB for NS. I attach printout for the same data set so you can compare. I have also original JMA and clone as well. Clone seems to be worse than original, there are small discrepancies when you plot both of them. I attach source of clone.

Regarding adaptive JMA. What is a mechanism of MT4 JMA being adaptive ?? Because original needs adaptor - another indicator which will dedect the trend

like CFB ??? The same ??


cfb.jpg  83 kb
adaptors.jpg  71 kb
jma.txt  14 kb

Me culpa, mea maxima culpa

There is one deviation in "my" version of cfb.

Since I do not like the "lack of smoothness" (cfb indicator does have what it calls a smoothing factor, but even with that it tends to be "bumpy").

And since we are looking for rising (trend is on) or falling (trend not confirmed, or reversing) values, I figured that some additional smoothing won't hurt.

So with a low lag additional smoothing it turned out to be rather useful.

As of using it : why don't you use it for rsx or similar indicators (as Jurik himself proposes - might be helpful) I am not sure if JMAs way of adapting would be better if cfb as additional "adaptor" (not the same though) was applied and with rsx it would make sense (faster signal).

PS: the "additionally non smoothed" version on the pic.

I'm lucky because I have a original version of CFB for NS. I attach printout for the same data set so you can compare. I have also original JMA and clone as well. Clone seems to be worse than original, there are small discrepancies when you plot both of them. I attach source of clone.

Regarding adaptive JMA. What is a mechanism of MT4 JMA being adaptive ?? Because original needs adaptor - another indicator which will dedect the trend

like CFB ??? The same ??


So what is the difference between Eric Long's Fractal Dimension İndex Traders Tips - July 2003 and the Mark Jurik's Composite Fractal Behaviour ?Many thanks.