Jurik - page 11


Bars History

Guys, do not open your charts with a huge history unless you have a BIG PC.

A big history takes a lot of calculation.

1000/1500 bars would be ok for a median computer.


Indicators wont load on to chart?

The indicators don't work for me either, i have placed them in experts/indicator files just as I always do any other indicator i have got from here, in fact i have no other indicators in the folder apart from all these Jurik ones, can someone help to get these working please?

I remember getting these years ago with esignal, thank God for TSD is all I can say...

The indicators don't work for me either, i have placed them in experts/indicator files just as I always do any other indicator i have got from here, in fact i have no other indicators in the folder apart from all these Jurik ones, can someone help to get these working please? I remember getting these years ago with esignal, thank God for TSD is all I can say...

Place all the files from include folder of zip'ed file to include folder of Metatrader's directory. All the files from indicators folder of zip'ed file - to indicators folder of Metatrader's directory



Newdigital Digital Filters

Nothing wrong in this indicators. It is coded MACD, moving averages, AO, Demarker, Momentum and so on. All of them are standard indicators in Metatrader. But this versions are fully improved and well designed with many many options. I think it is good indicators.

Do you remember I started to discuss about digital filters more than 1 year ago on some threads? And I made an agreement with the author of digital filters generators trying to force him to continue his software on our forum and so and so on. But some members said that digital filters indicators are useless. And I stopped. I stopped because I just was thinking that they know, right?

And do you know what is the situation right now? Many brokers and companies are using digital filters indicators for technical analysis as proven method. And Alpari broker is having trading courses on difital filters (for money). On line and for money + seminars + people are travelling and coming to the courses and so on. But I stopped more than 1 year ago because of few guy said that it is useless. Where are those guys? Nowhere. But they stoped us for free development because they wanted to start something commercial with exact this idea.

If we forget this Jurik indicators so somebody will do (analyze/develop/create EA) them on the other forum. And one day we open some very respective analytical website and we will see that some analists are using this set for the analysis published all over the world but we stoped already only because somebody said something.

Hi Newdigital,

I absolutely agree with you on the importance of stressing and promoting both the use and experimentation on advanced digital filters in this Forum..as you might know I use them extensively as the filtering basis for all my trading strategies,respected forum members(bluto and others) have been able to improve substantially on EAs results just by substituting traditional indicators(macd,rsi..) with digital others(JRSX,JMACD..)..and they are faster and smoother than anything else actually in the market..so,I would like to propose the following...

1-That you create a special section dedicated to digital filters..

2-That,in this digital filter section,you open several subthreads..I would suggest the following...

A-Jurik digital filters

B-SATL,FATL,STLM..digital filters

C-Traditional indicators modified by digital filters


E-Nth order polynomials

F-Digital EAs

G-Digital filter generators and tools

As an example of point C-..Malcik and mysellf have modified the Laguerre RSI,to be even faster and smoother than usual..and I use a special modification of JMA in my personal trading..see attached..I wouldn`t mind sharing them(I will ),but I would like to share them in a special section where I know that first,the knowledge won`t be lost..and ,second,other similarly minded people will share back..



digfilters.gif  16 kb

Hello Simba,

you're absolutely right. I use mainly laguerre filter with jma and laguerre rsi. Your

adaptive laguerre rsi seems very accurate. Could you please pm it to me. I'am intersting to try it.


digi.gif  21 kb


Hello Simba,

you're absolutely right. I use mainly laguerre filter with jma and laguerre rsi. Your

adaptive laguerre rsi seems very accurate. Could you please pm it to me. I'am intersting to try it.


Hi Flytox,

I will probably share it in the Forum in a few days..don`t be impatient..you have been trading without it for years..you can wait a few more days..;)

P.S: It is not mine..it is mine and Malcik`s



Hi Newdigital,

I absolutely agree with you on the importance of stressing and promoting both the use and experimentation on advanced digital filters in this Forum..as you might know I use them extensively as the filtering basis for all my trading strategies,respected forum members(bluto and others) have been able to improve substantially on EAs results just by substituting traditional indicators(macd,rsi..) with digital others(JRSX,JMACD..)..and they are faster and smoother than anything else actually in the market..so,I would like to propose the following...

1-That you create a special section dedicated to digital filters..

2-That,in this digital filter section,you open several subthreads..I would suggest the following...

A-Jurik digital filters

B-SATL,FATL,STLM..digital filters

C-Traditional indicators modified by digital filters


E-Nth order polynomials

F-Digital EAs

G-Digital filter generators and tools

As an example of point C-..Malcik and mysellf have modified the Laguerre RSI,to be even faster and smoother than usual..and I use a special modification of JMA in my personal trading..see attached..I wouldn`t mind sharing them(I will ),but I would like to share them in a special section where I know that first,the knowledge won`t be lost..and ,second,other similarly minded people will share back..



I opened too many systems and threads and i'm affraid that i will not be able to maintain them all.

Anyway it may be good idea. I will think about the section for all the digital filtes and systems.

I opened too many systems and threads and i'm affraid that i will not be able to maintain them all. Anyway it may be good idea. I will think about the section for all the digital filtes and systems.

I think a special section would be a splendid idea. Digital indicators/filters have been an area of intense study for me and I'd really appreciate such a section. Thanks for the consideration, newdigital.


Hi guys,

Interesting initiation going on here... It would be great to have a full digital indicators' section.

I've been doing some work together with Simba but I'm not good in Ehlers science itself... I'll be glad to learn and contribute in any manner I can.

I just have one doubt about these filters... they look great but I don't know if they aren't a bit too overfitted. The coefficients they use are like periods and I believe those have to be changed as the markets change. I don't know how often, I don't know in what way. I'd be afraid trading on them if I didn't know the methodology behind them and behind finding the coefficients for them. I don't want to be dependent on a few magic numbers that are only valid for some years and then need to have someone who knows how to change them unless it's me.

Please consider this just a newbie opinion. If you can prove me wrong, I'll be glad And so will I if you start this section where I can learn about what I just decribed.

Thanks a regards