The Murrey Math Trading System - page 97

WOW.......what a great lesson in OCTAVES. Most appreaciated as I am just trying to understand which of the two is worthy of adding to what I have.

What about the MOON PHASE indicator........ever heard of it?



Sorry, no MOON PHASE indy

xard777 $Trader

...Basically, I use octaves because when you read an article that Murrey is writing, he describes the MM process the same way as in the octaves indicator.

With regards to GBPJPY current price is 207.87 (Jan 24, 03:47)

The Master Square is 100

Divide 100 by eight, we get 12.5 our market vibration

Now divide 12.5 by eight again, we get 1.5625 our 1/8th intervals

We take our Price 207.87 and divide by 12.5, we get 16.6296

We are interested in the integer part for our 0/8th figure so 16.6296 becomes 16

so, 16 x 12.5 = 200 our 0/8th

add 12.5 to 200 for 8/8th = 212.50

from an octave point of view we would be looking for support & resistance of 0/8th 200 & 8/8th 212.50 with 1/8th intervals of 1.5625 along the way.

The difference between the fixed octave version and MMs timeframe is the high/low figures over a certain time period are factored in giving different frames sizes. For instance if the high/low is 221/204 then the octave size of 12.5 is doubled and we would use 0/8th 200 & 8/8th 225 with 1/8th intervals of 3.125 (1.5625 x 2) along the way. However, if we were looking at say a high of 209.22 and a low of 204.69 then our market vibration would be halved from 12.5 to 6.25 with 1/8th intervals of 0.78125 (1.5625/2) along the way with our 0/8th at 203.125 and 8/8th 209.375 (203.125+6.25)


Taking it one stage further, Gann uses 100%, 50% & 33.3%

So that is what I did with the octaves indicator.

It shows the fractions 1/1, 1/2, & 1/3

1/1 being 0/8 to 8/8

1/2 being 4/8

1/3 being 33% & 66%


Your Help


Tks for you willingness to help. May the PIPS rain down on your account my friend.


I still use MM in all my daily trades. For starters I would feel naked and would not know which side is up without it.

MM is an invaluable tool for showing Support & Resistance points for price, however as great as it is, I don't feel it should be used on its own when trading forex.

Each to their own, I myself have started playing around with T3 & HMA lines to help with entry signals into the market and using MM for possible exit points. This strategy has proved to be rather successful over the past few weeks with geppy dropping the way it has.

So in answer to your question, MM is still very much in use (by me anyway), but not on its own. I try very hard to reduce the number of indicators that I use and keep only those that I deem necessary. As it is I am testing different scenarios and have eight indicators plus the news on screen just now which I refer to for entry, duration & exit on all my trades.


PS Thanks to mLaden for introducing me to T3 lines - he has done some great work here.

HI XARD, can you post your QQE indicator with price at the background?


My H1 GJ chart just jumped frame for no reason. Why is that? The frame moved up, it shouldn't have moved yet right? It never went up to hit 33.33% to move frame yet. Is there something not right?


have you seen this murrey math indicator?

hi to all

just wanted to know if anyone has this murray math indicatorMurrey Math Trading - Learning Center


its in the example charts, 5 circles of confict and currencies


I guess the chart will shift right after it passes 8/8 line and not wait until it hits the 33% frame shift line, that really messes me up when I'm trying to read the charts, wanting to enter when it hits +1/8 or after 8/8 only to see the chart shift up already and confuses me on if it's at the upper 8/8, or the lower 0/8. I can't seem to get anyone to help me with this issue and explain this a bit for me, I guess I'll just need to walk away from trading murrey lines then.


I think you may have to do what Xard did... he played with and worked with the system and developed it. thus learning and then he shared....

It is very difficult to follow his steps as he has all the experience from his testing.....

Therefore the rest of us have to put in the hours to assimilate the knowledge. a lengthy process.....

Then again.... trading is not a vocation that anyone advertises as easy....


To Xard 777:

Thank you for yours indicators Murrey Math. Excuse me my Englich is too bad.