The Murrey Math Trading System - page 38

Trading MM:
See how MM and Market Profile work 'together'

Hi Trading MM

Nice chart.

Can you please explain how to read your picture?

Much better if you can post the templates and indicators used.

Thanks a lot

Hi Trading MM

Nice chart.

Can you please explain how to read your picture?

Much better if you can post the templates and indicators used.

Thanks a lot

Hehehe, long story.....

Use xards' template and get market profile indicator n the mp thread

explanation MP:,3181,1168,00.html

in short: MP shows how long prices are traded

yesterday most time was spent on MM 5/8 level, finding support today (so far) at that level

Same applies to nov 28 vs nov 27 and nov 274 vs nov 24


@ Trading MM


Got the MP indicator from your post # 246.

Is this the latest one?

Any more links to learn? Forums thread, etc?

Sorry for lazy questions, it's bed time here in my location and your post just attracts me.

Just to make sure I have correct materials to study tomorrow, while you sleep.

Best regards

@ Trading MM


Got the MP indicator from your post # 246.

Is this the latest one?

Any more links to learn? Forums thread, etc?

Sorry for lazy questions, it's bed time here in my location and your post just attracts me.

Just to make sure I have correct materials to study tomorrow, while you sleep.

Best regards

There is only 1 (not excellent but it works)

when you start with the links on you have enough to read for a few days ;-)

Well, that's a good move to you, but i just wondering if i shot on GU at mml 8/8 price at 1.9531, so the stop lost should be at +1/8 price at 1.9653, it's too 'big' stoploss because it exceed more than 100++ pips lost, hope you can help me with this, i juz simply ask for the expert, thanks for the help,



It would have actually been a SL at +2 mMML if you are playing the weekly data for a mMML. The +2 bMML would have only been 16 pip loss, attempting to take a 31 point gain. I want to finish my ExitMaster EA so the spikes we saw would end up as profit taken for bMML. (delayed Trailing stop of 10 would have earned another 22 pips on my bMML trade)

I need to finish the EA, I could have done 3 wins going to the 4/8 line :/

Trading MM:
See how MM and Market Profile work 'together'

Maybe I don't understand the indicator well, but it appears to be painting the past and doing basic horizontal channel detection from aggregate prices. Since the aggregate is a late channel detection, and Murrey Math predicts horizontal, diagonal and sloping channels there seems to be overlap.

Does this mean that we can use Market Profile to confirm the octave lines from MM? I would presume that the 3/8 to 5/8 region should be well documented, but the 4/8 to 7/8 and 1/8 to 4/8 bounces might not be isolated well enough for the 3/8 to 5/8 channels to be clearly confirmed. Your thoughts? Did I miss something?

Edit: looks like I should read CME as well. SOON! *must code*


I don't understand the MP middle line (the white one where it peaks)

Does this represent best value on the day?



Murrey Lines

Thanks everyone for the support of this thread.

Do the murrey lines repaint themselves? I was looking early on on a currency that was almost at the +2/8 level, In the believe that this was going down (for being at the overbougth level). A minute past by and the currecy was going up as the lines changed placing the trade at the 2/8.

Is there a length of time when the lines are valid? I am using the attached indicator.


i'm new to mm , is that pattern valid


Did the mm confirmed the EUR H4 Head & shoulders pattern ,

the parameter of the mm was 256 (= 64*4)