The Murrey Math Trading System - page 12



Trading MM:
Check your email tomorrow

Hi Trading MM

Sorry about the delay - did not check if I had any messages - these are the two indicators I use with MM to help determin the strength of the MM Level as to whether the Level will Hold or Breach.



Hi Trading MM

Sorry about the delay - did not check if I had any messages - these are the two indicators I use with MM to help determin the strength of the MM Level as to whether the Level will Hold or Breach.



Hi cja,

can you make the histo in the guppy indicator similar to the one in macd 2 (where it changes color below the zero line - I think you add a buffer as in 3a & 3b in the macd 2 indicator) also can you make the histo in guppy with a width of 3 as it keeps reseting back to 1 or 0

thanx in advance


ps eagerly awaiting your updated version

Hi Trading MM Sorry about the delay - did not check if I had any messages


Check Private Messages


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hi cja,

As I said earlier that I have added the float2 indicator to work along side your guppy macd indicator to confirm with mm entry/exit.

enc float 2 indicator and piccy

ps the reason I rename indicators with a #00 prefix is so they will show up first in MT4 as the other indicators will grey out on selection if too many in folder


Where can I find a description of the float indicator?

BTW, I will answer your (email)questions later today or tomorrow




Float Indicator

Trading MM:

I use the Float indicator to confirm the MM low & Highs - I tend to find that if the Float confirms 3 time frames with the same HIGHS or LOWS as the MM levels HIGHS or LOWS then that has the potential to be a strong reversal point, I find this works best using the 5 min, 15 min, 30 min & 60 min. I have taken the Data off the chart and placed it into the indicator window to make it easier to see, plus it leaves the chart comments area free to show the MM levels. I have included the Float Volume levels but as yet have not studied the significance of them although I understand the Volume has good trading value.

There is a slight glitch in the "Float Vol left" reading as it keeps changing to give the Float volume level but I am trying to fix that at the moment, I have also adjusted the CVEND & CVSTART lines to run right thru the chart & indicators. If you want the indicator I will post it when I have fixed it.

float.gif  40 kb

Re Post 131(Float Panel)

Thanks for the indicator(#00float2). When I applied to chart, I am not getting any data as shown in your post#131. There are no values except a sawtooth diagram. Kindly request help


Re Post 132(Float Panel)

Ops... I saw the data. It was buried on the main chart window by the MM Lines and label. How did you move data to the indicator window for better reading . Once again thank you


#00float2 indicator

Ops... I saw the data. It was buried on the main chart window by the MM Lines and label. How did you move data to the indicator window for better reading . Once again thank you


The indicator#00float2 that you downloaded was on post 126 not post 131 read post 131 for info on Float indicator with Data in the window.