Pivot indicators - page 48


Pivots all on screen

I am looking for a pivot point indicator that will use something like R3+10 as the upper range of the chart and S3-10 as the lower range so you can see all of the pivots for today on the chart, like the GFTForex pivots. Any help would be appreciated as I want to get away from GFTForex broker.


Pivots indicator. Please help to do small change in the code.

Would you be so kind to change the code of this indicator Camarilladt to show lines only in last day.

camarilladt.mq4  48 kb

4-hr pivot please...

I Hope you can help.

I had a 4 hour pivot indicator that just marked the values (pp, R1-3, S1-3) to the right of the latest candle, without drawing a line across the chart for each value. Unfortunately, my MT4 chart became corrupted and I had to reload and start all over again. In this process I lost all trace of this indicator. However, it is out there somewhere! If anyone can give me a lead to find it, or attach it to a reply, I would be grateful.

Alternatively, any other 4-hour pivot that would give similar info.

Thank you in advance, and kind regards to all on this most useful site.


Trend Analyser from SDx Tz Pivot

Hello everyone,

I am quite new to Forex but I have a fair experience in equity trading.

I am quite sure that most of you will be familiar with SDx Tz Pivot indicator. While the indicator itself is quite enormous but I am particularly interested in Trend analyser which comes inbuit in it.

For past some days I am trying to extract the two fields "Analysis Result" and Trend Direction" in a separate window but no luck yet.

Can some one here help me out by making an indicator which gives only the two fields mentioned and filters out the rest?.

Any kind of help will be appreciated.

The original indicator is attached with the post.




Hi Sahilsri,

try the indi attached, hope is what you need...


Hello everyone,

I am quite new to Forex but I have a fair experience in equity trading.

I am quite sure that most of you will be familiar with SDx Tz Pivot indicator. While the indicator itself is quite enormous but I am particularly interested in Trend analyser which comes inbuit in it.

For past some days I am trying to extract the two fields "Analysis Result" and Trend Direction" in a separate window but no luck yet.

Can some one here help me out by making an indicator which gives only the two fields mentioned and filters out the rest?.

Any kind of help will be appreciated.

The original indicator is attached with the post.



Hi Brax64,

Thanks a lot for putting in your time and effort. What you have posted is along the lines of my requirement but I need it to be more compact and in a specific order.

I am attaching a photoshoped image of what I need indicator to look like (nothing more).and please try to get the Analysis result and trend before ADX and RSI as shown in the image.

I hope it's not much of a trouble for you to do that. And thanks again for your kind efforts I really appreciate it.

Hi Sahilsri,

try the indi attached, hope is what you need...

indicator2.jpg  27 kb

Hi Sahilsri,

hope this one does exactly what you need...

Next time try to explain "exactly" what you want... like you did now with the picture ...we both waste less time !;) ... Enjoy and let me know if it's fine or you need some adjustment.


Hi Brax64,

Thanks a lot for putting in your time and effort. What you have posted is along the lines of my requirement but I need it to be more compact and in a specific order.

I am attaching a photoshoped image of what I need indicator to look like (nothing more).and please try to get the Analysis result and trend before ADX and RSI as shown in the image.

I hope it's not much of a trouble for you to do that. And thanks again for your kind efforts I really appreciate it.

Thanks a lot Brax64 this is exactly what I needed. And yes I will be more precise next time.

Thanks again for putting your time and efforts in my query.

Really appreciate it.



Hi Sahilsri,

hope this one does exactly what you need...

Next time try to explain "exactly" what you want... like you did now with the picture ...we both waste less time !;) ... Enjoy and let me know if it's fine or you need some adjustment.


Hi again Sahilsri,

last night I did the modification "on the fly" 'cause I was busy; now I did double check the indi and I find a couple of bugs.

So I did fix some errors, clean up the code so now is faster, some cosmetic adjustment, changed the name to respect what this indi is doing and, finally, I put in external input the periods for RSI, ADX and FI.

Please download this version.


Thanks a lot Brax64 this is exactly what I needed. And yes I will be more precise next time.

Thanks again for putting your time and efforts in my query.

Really appreciate it.


ta.gif  18 kb
Hi again Sahilsri,

last night I did the modification "on the fly" 'cause I was busy; now I did double check the indi and I find a couple of bugs.

So I did fix some errors, clean up the code so now is faster, some cosmetic adjustment, changed the name to respect what this indi is doing and, finally, I put in external input the periods for RSI, ADX and FI.

Please download this version.


Hi Brax64,

Thank youvery much for informing me about updated indicator.You are surely doing a great job hear.

I am trying to get GMMA indicator in histogram format. Can you help in that?

Idea of the formula will be as follows:



NetGMMA= Short GMMA - Long GMMA

Indicator should plot the NetGMMA in histogram format with green bars for +value and red bars for -values.

Can you do that for me please?

