Should I provide my login for monitoring purpose?



I‌'m looking for a large investor to collaborate with and a financial company just asked my for my login details (user name & password) so that they could monitor my live account for 3 months. Is it an acceptable request? Should I comply? Is there any danger here?




T‌he broker must give you two passwords the master one that you can use to perform trading and an other password called investor (it's a read only password) you can communication the second one to the person you want.‌

t‌he muster password keep it for your self (unless you really trust the person)


You can always give the investor password for your account if you trust the third party.

The investor password does not allow users to trade. You can change it in the terminal via: Tools >> Options >> Server >> Change >> Change investor (read only) password.‌



W‌hile youwre at it - any tips for finding large investor? I'm addressing some big funds via e-mail, but I can use some advise....