less then 1 1/2 month to register for ATC 2010 and no visual mode in backtest feature


I was wondering if visual mode would be released at least some weeks before end of registration for ATC because my EA has still alot of problem and whitout visual mode it is messy to detect were are the problem.

 i saw somewhere that it was suppose to be release soon.. but if it is like the "coming soon" in the book section, it may take another year ? 




yes, i have same question..Will the Visual Mode available b4fore ATC start ? and how soon is "coming soon" ...????


Dear Metaquotes,

You have taken the time to send me an email to remind me to huray up to finish my register form I have strated 2 months ago, so i think it is the less i can do to answer to your email but I had a postmaster: fatal error replying to it so I decided to post it here.

 I would like to thank you for the championship for 2010, but I am affraid I will not be able to finish my work on time. This is due to the fact that one of your moderator told us at the beginning of this contest registery period that the visual feature in the back tester would be released BEFORE the championship starts, the 1 october 2010. So, I took my time waiting for this because I do really have doubts on the history of the backtester and this result in poor evaluation of my EA.  The problem is that I doubt the results given by the tester are 100% good, and also my EA is not 100% failproof too but it is impossible for me to really understand the problems without the visual mode in the strategie tester.

So, if this moderator would have tell us that the release of this fonction would be only some days or hours before the championship instead of leting us think we could use it to backtest our EA BEFORE the registration, maybe I would have worked on some tools to help me instead of wait

 Well, to end this letter, I would like to inform you that it is not necessaryto to ask me again to hurry to register for the championship as long as the visual mode would not be available and please take note that I will release my EA at the really last time knowing the risk that you find error and that I may note participate in the championship, but you will have the send me a report with the error you found (if errors are) because i'm gone check this and ask every other people i will have send the original EA I will be submitting too check for these problem if problem there are.

 Thank you for your really good work but you should work on the information flow you let go to the end users, when you say 'it will be soon' better say "it will be in some months" then letting end users lost there time and money.

 Thank you for MQL5, you have made good work but stil dosen't know when we will be able to use it since a year !

to finish, my registrering for the championship  "is coming soon..."

note to readers: If you would like to received a copy of my original EA I will be submitting to validate if there are errors or not please reply down to this message Thank you


Waiting for this championship since 2 years, hopping to finish in the 100 first (if I can participated!).