Libraries: mt-R



Libraries for the interaction of МТ4/5 with R

Author: СанСаныч Фоменко

I am attaching a modified version of R.mqh here.
R.mqh  17 kb


What could be the problem?

2017.09.19 23:06:57.078 R_Prediction 'C:\Users\senturki\AppData\Roaming\Noor Capital Market Menkul Degerler MT5\MQL5\Libraries\R64.dll' is not 64-bit version

2017.09.19 23:11:14.309 R_Test 'C:\Users\senturki\AppData\Roaming\Noor Capital Market Menkul Degerler MT5\MQL5\Libraries\R64.dll' is not 64-bit version



What could be the problem?

2017.09.19 23:06:57.078 R_Prediction 'C:\Users\senturki\AppData\Roaming\Noor Capital Market Menkul Degerler MT5\MQL5\Libraries\R64.dll' is not 64-bit version

2017.09.19 23:11:14.309 R_Test 'C:\Users\senturki\AppData\Roaming\Noor Capital Market Menkul Degerler MT5\MQL5\Libraries\R64.dll' is not 64-bit version

it is not a problem. Do not pay attention


I installed the library with no issues (there is a red line from the R_Prediction running here), but the R_Test Script doesn't attach to my charts (not even sure what it was supposed to do).
When I read "Libraries for the interaction of МТ4/5 with R", I imagined I would be able to access MT5 OHLC data in my R terminal. Is that assumption wrong? If not, what am I missing? =/ 


I installed the library with no issues (there is a red line from the R_Prediction running here), but the R_Test Script doesn't attach to my charts (not even sure what it was supposed to do).
When I read "Libraries for the interaction of МТ4/5 with R", I imagined I would be able to access MT5 OHLC data in my R terminal. Is that assumption wrong? If not, what am I missing? =/ 

The library works without problems. Quite difficult installation. Be attentive with catalogs



I'm trying to use the RAssignStringVector function, but it seems that only the first char of each term is copied to R session.

For example the MQL5 vector


is copied to R as


It's an issue or I'm wrong?

Note that I'm using RAssignVector with double vector without problems.





I'm trying to use the RAssignStringVector function, but it seems that only the first char of each term is copied to R session.

For example the MQL5 vector


is copied to R as


It's an issue or I'm wrong?

Note that I'm using RAssignVector with double vector without problems.



I do not use MT5, sorry

Great job!

Could you help to solve problem which appears in specific situation.

1) run two mt5 terminals of two different brokers  
2) copy everything between each other
3) run experts with using your dll and sending arrays from mt5 to Rterm
4) wait for a some minutes
 One of two mt5 terminals will be closed.
Why and how to fix it?
