Discussion of article "Embed MetaTrader 4/5 WebTerminal on your website for free and make a profit"


New article Embed MetaTrader 4/5 WebTerminal on your website for free and make a profit has been published:

Traders are well familiar with the WebTerminal, which allows trading on financial markets straight from the browser. Add the WebTerminal widget to your website — you can do it absolutely free. If you have a website, you can start selling leads to brokers — we have prepared a ready-to-use web-based solution for you. All you need to do is embed one iframe into your website.

Add the WebTerminal widget to your website — you can do it absolutely free. This powerful functionality will enable your site visitors to trade using the most popular MetaTrader 5 and MetaTrader 4 platforms straight from your website!

Author: MetaQuotes Software Corp.

Done :) For now it is widget with only changed language.
I can not understand how brokers will want to contact me. How do I know that someone has used or benefits from this page.

WebTerminal on KLORE-FX.EU
My website is http. What about such information. Please advise.

Krzysztof Lorenc:
My website is http. What about such information. Please advise.

It is a feature of the most recent Chrome, when the page has mixed HTTP and HTTPS content. Force the https to the page to get rid of it.


With WordPress site I had to create a text file say 'index.html' then add the full page code into the file (with the required changes).

Then create a new folder under 'public_html' called say 'webterminal' (with default permissions).

Then upload the new file, 'index.html' to the folder /public_html/webterminal/

The Web Terminal is now available at http://yourDomain.com/webterminal/
Once installed in your website the Web Terminal works good. It looks good too. A new user is require to have an account to login. This does not seem to be a issue for the new user.

My Web Terminal is setup on the develoment site until I know its works correctly. So far my broker, x has not been able to identify my partner/affiliate number nor have they any other means to indentify the website or comments.

When a new client requests a new account the information sent to the broker via the url is:


There is no mention of my partner/affilliate number, website or other comments. Therefore, on receiving the URL the broker believes the lead was sent by 'camp=xxxx' (whoever that may be).

I will not be going production with Web Terminal for my website until it is proven, with physical evidence that the broker receives the host's partner/affilliate number.

I also find it mosy suspicious that the code does not provide for a partner/affilliate number and that information is then sent as 'camp=' to the broker.

Thank you, I'd like to hear from anyone that got the 'Lead Source' thing to work and also the coders.

So far my broker, x has not been able to identify my partner/affiliate number nor have they any other means to indentify the website or comments.

When a new client requests a new account the information sent to the broker via the url is:


There is no mention of my partner/affilliate number, website or other comments. Therefore, on receiving the URL the broker believes the lead was sent by 'camp=xxxx' (whoever that may be).
 @Greco608 Hello,

Your broker should look for your website/utm information in details of the account that was opened on their MetaTrader server. Not in the url parameters.

Yes, Thank you Alexey Petrov.

I had carefully read the instructions and I know the website/utm information shouldbe in the details sent to my Broker. x  > I carefully explained this to my Broker and they said they are are not interested in changing their current automatic, and bug-proof system for partner referrals. They do not plan to look though 1000's of urls to find one from a WebTerminal.

We are talking about a very large Forex broker x with many new clients everyday.... Not interested !

Nor do they wish to develop new systems to incorporate a yet, unknown system when there is already a most suitable and simple process already available. They choose not to become entagled in a system that may yet proof to be a fraud. My Broker has suggested that you use the 'provider' number system delivered in the URL instead of making unnecessary and convoluted alteration to a tried and true system.

They will not be making any changes to suit the WebTerminal widget until the code is changed.

They also ask why they receive the reference 'camp=xxxx' in the url from WebTerminal? Is 'camp=xxxx' a 'MetaQuotes Software Corp.' identification or maybe yours? In any case do you want them to continue assigning leads to 'camp=xxxx'? Or could this be deemed a little bit unethical?

Please re-manufacture the software so that a website owner can put their own reference code into the widget and thereby receive any benefits due to them and only them, according to the description.

Thank you, no offense meant.


Do we have any update on this? I am interested to know what the outcome is. I have tried to add this to my wordpress site but seems to be a bit of a process. I would be more then happy if the process works and can be implemented.


можно как нибудь убрать верхнюю панель с иконками?

Can I somehow remove the top panel with icons?

MetaQuotes Software Corp.:

New article Embed MetaTrader 4/5 WebTerminal on your website for free and make a profit has been published:

Author: MetaQuotes Software Corp.

Does this support the use of EA`S?