Crosshair problem (not appearing after ctrl+F or middle mouse click)


Since some updates (I have last update now, 305), the crosshair tool doesn't appear anymore immediately after CTRL+F or middle mouse click.

I have to move the mouse for the crosshair lines to appear on screen.

Even if already in crosshair mode, if I click again the middle mouse (or CTRL+F again), crosshair lines dissapear, and again, I have to move the mouse for lines to appear. 

Is this "feature" intentional? 


This problem / bug still persists.

Is it just my case? Does anyone has the same issue with the middle mouse button / crosshair tool?

When I click CTRL+F or middle mouse, there is no crosshair. I have to move the mouse for the crosshair to appear.

I decide a starting point, I move the mouse there, I click middle mouse button, and then I have to move the mouse around, then I have to get the mouse back to the starting point.

And when zooming out, the things get even more frustrating.

Is it just my case? 

Try to click the left mouse button.

If I click the left button, crosshair dissapears.

 The only way is to move the crosshair around for the lines to appear (and to be able to measure prices). 


It appears that with last update, now it works. I will verify it for some days and will post back if problems.

Anyway, if clicking 3 times on middle click, the crosshair behaves as I said above.

But if I click on left mouse button and start all over again, it works again.

This may be a clue for developers as I cannot understand why this behavior happens 


still not working.

Sometimes it behaves correctly, but once it starts to behave wrong, it keeps behaving wrong.

I tried 2 mouses. Maybe it's about my entire windows xp installation (sp3) ?

Am I really the only one with this problem?