Fibonacci Retracement Texts


In MT4, Fibonacci Retracement tool would display text when the tool's right point would be too much in the right, in the future, not visible on screen.

In MT5, texts are visible ONLY when right point of the tool is visible, on the screen.

Is this an intentional change for MT5?

Because many times I have to draw Fibonacci Retracement way beyond right side of the screen, and I cannot see percentages because of this. 

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Objects Constants / Object Types
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Objects Constants / Object Types - Documentation on MQL5

Could you take a screenshot and publish it here?



Could you take a screenshot and publish it here?


Here they are: 

1. first is the initial state immediately after creation.


2. second is the state after scrolling towards left. 



Thank you very much. We will fix it. 


Thank you very much. We will fix it. 

Thank you too.