Discussion of article "Graphical interfaces X: Advanced management of lists and tables. Code optimization (build 7)"


New article Graphical interfaces X: Advanced management of lists and tables. Code optimization (build 7) has been published:

The library code needs to be optimized: it should be more regularized, which is — more readable and comprehensible for studying. In addition, we will continue to develop the controls created previously: lists, tables and scrollbars.
Part of the library scheme regarding the relationship between the form and controls looks as follows:

 Fig. 3. Part of the library scheme regarding the relationship between the form and controls.

Fig. 3. Part of the library scheme regarding the relationship between the form and controls

Author: Anatoli Kazharski


Hi Anatoli,

I could not find licensing information for your library. 

Can I use your library to develop commercial products?

I would like to use it for the user interface in the EA. 

Drazen Penic:


Can I use your library to develop commercial products?

I would like to use it for the user interface in the EA. 

Of course yes!
Anatoli Kazharski:
Of course yes!



Thank you for the excellent work and really nice library.