Cannot set milisecond timer?


Hi Everyone!

I hope you are fine. I have a problem -just sometimes-. I am creating a timer handler like this...


And works fine. But some users experience this error: Cannot set milisecond timer(50) and the program fails.

Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance

Is there a minimum time allowed?  I remember reading somewhere about a minimum of may be for the sleep function, can't remember off hand.
Arturo Lopez Perez:

Hi Everyone!

I hope you are fine. I have a problem -just sometimes-. I am creating a timer handler like this...


And works fine. But some users experience this error: Cannot set milisecond timer(50) and the program fails.

Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance

#property copyright "author name"
#property link      "localhost"
#property version   "1.00"
#property strict

int OnInit(){

void OnDeinit(const int reason){

void OnTick(){
//code executes here when there is a tick

void OnTimer(){
//code here executes every 100ms or as available.

Christopher Fernandez Ledon:
Is there a minimum time allowed?  I remember reading somewhere about a minimum of may be for the sleep function, can't remember off hand.

No, you can use EventSetMillisecondTimer(1) if you so wish.

Which builds is this happening with? 

Cool...learning something new every day :)
Thanks honest_knave.

Use it:

Ошибка "cannot set millisecond timer(100)"
Ошибка "cannot set millisecond timer(100)"
Здравствуйте! У клиента при работе с моим советником возникла ошибка "cannot set millisecond timer(100...
Thanks everyone