Can't get the right value from a TrendChannel with iCustom


Hi everyone!
I'm trying to merge some indicators using iCustom.
An indicator which I have problem with is TrendChannel.mq4


Parts of the code are these: 

extern int  degree = 1;
extern double kstd = 2.0;
extern int  bars = 48;
extern int  shift = 0;
extern int  AlertPipRange = 5;
extern string AlertText = "";

input bool     EnableNativeAlerts = true;
input bool     EnableSoundAlerts  = true;
input string   SoundFileName    = "alert.wav";

datetime LastAlertTime = D'01.01.1970';

double fxl[],fxh[],sqh[],sql[];

double ai[10,10],b[10],c[10],x[10],y[10],sx[20];
double sum,suml,sumh;
int ip,p,n,f;
double qq,mm,tt;
int ii,jj,kk,ll,nn;

int i0 = 0;

Then there are buffers...

int init()
  SetIndexBuffer(0, fxl);
  SetIndexBuffer(1, fxh);
  SetIndexBuffer(2, sql);
  SetIndexBuffer(3, sqh);

  SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE);
  SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE);
  SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_LINE);
  SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_LINE);


 And to the end:





sql[n] and sqh[n] are exactly what i need to get with my iCustom function. They are the Lower line and the Higher line of the trendchannel.

i need to create an alert when they cross with an other indicator for n=0 ( sqh[0] or sql[0].

I created an indicator (mq4) not an EA because I don't need to open any trades, just run an Alert. 

That's the code:


double channel_sqh=iCustom(NULL, 0, "TrendChannel.mq4", 3, 0);
double channel_sql=iCustom(NULL, 0, "TrendChannel.mq4", 2, 0);

input bool     EnableNativeAlerts = true;
input bool     EnableSoundAlerts  = true;
input string   SoundFileName    = "alert.wav";


extern int  AlertPipRange = 5;
extern string AlertText = "";


datetime LastAlertTime = D'01.01.1970';


//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()

//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
//--- Show data from 3 file TrendChannel.mq4
Comment(StringFormat("TrendChannel sqh: %G\nTrendChannel sql: %G", channel_sqh, channel_sql));


however the string on the left-top corner of MT4 report a "0" value for both channel sql and sqh =(

in iCustom funcion i wrote (...3, 0) and (...2, 0) because if I use Data Window it shows this:

trendchannel output

I'm not a super programmer, I just enjoy editing existing code but this time I'm getting stuck.

What's the problem on this code? =( 

Hope someone can help me =)

Thanks in advance!!

  1. double channel_sqh=iCustom(NULL, 0, "TrendChannel.mq4", 3, 0);
    double channel_sql=iCustom(NULL, 0, "TrendChannel.mq4", 2, 0);
    These are not changing, assign them in start.
  2. You should write a self documenting function instead of calling iCustom directly, see Detailed explanation of iCustom - MQL4 forum
Wooo thank you I'm trying as soon as I get at home. 
Thanks for the link, I was missing that thread.
I'll keep you updated ;)
You did it!!

iCustom works if positioned into int Start() section and the source indicator has to be without extension... 

Thanks fot the help!