Download real time and historical real tick data from mt5 to CSV (OT OTHER DATA TYPE)


Hello, could you please help me to find way to download historical real tick data ( and also export real time real tick data to CSV OR EXCELL)    any ideas how to do it?


Thank you 

Google for TickStory, Birt's EAReview and TickDataDownloader - but all this is meant only for mt4!
Carl Schreiber:
Google for TickStory, Birt's EAReview and TickDataDownloader - but all this is meant only for mt4!
Why answering like that when you know the question is about MT5 ?
Alain Verleyen:
Why answering like that when you know the question is about MT5 ?

I've been searching for an answer for a longtime to the same question. Unfortunately, all I found answers for how to it in MT4, not MT5.

The correct answer is highly appreciated:))


If the question is to import data in MT5, it's not yet possible, but Metaquotes had announced it will be available.

If the question is to export data, it's possible since the beginning, and is a trivial coding task. If you have difficulties, show your attempt and you will get help for sure.

Alain Verleyen:
Why answering like that when you know the question is about MT5 ?
Sorry, but after entering the thread I read the body and there is nothing about mt4 or mt5 and many still post the mt4 questions not in the mt4 part.
Carl Schreiber:
Sorry, but after entering the thread I read the body and there is nothing about mt4 or mt5 and many still post the mt4 questions not in the mt4 part.
MT5 is specified in the title. Thanks for your explanation.