Price feed + Latency, are they the same?


As the thread subject implies, I am becoming rather confused between the two.

I cannot find anything on Google - believe it or not., just companies trying to sell you VPS solutions (which I plan on purchasing in the near future.)

Any short and simple answers would be greatly recieved.



Well latency is the speed between your computer and the broker's server

Price feed is just the various tick values from your broker I guess.

So the higher the latency the slower the tick data will be to reach your computer.


As the thread subject implies, I am becoming rather confused between the two.


Maybe you mean what is the rate of price feed and what the latency of is? The rate of the price feed is dependent on the liquidity provider (or the exchange), on the broker and finally on our PCs. 

For example, Reuters does have a feed rate of 100ms (or 200, i can not remember). LMAX can have less (again, if i remember correctly). Then the broker decides what will the rate be on his/her side. For example it may choose a rate of 5ms. But if our PC is at a 15ms system timer our rate will be 15ms

As for the latency I am not sure of what is reported in Meta Trader (i am referring to to corner on the right of the terminal - i suppose you are referring to that one ). Maybe it is the latency of the time stamp of the packet that the NIC receives. That may have as a consequence that, if say our system timer is at 15ms, we may have to add an additional 15-30ms (for example) for Meta Trader to actually perceive the existence of the packet (and add another 15-30 for Meta Trader to make the NIC aware of a packet going out)

You may have a look for message queues on OS for more, and for system timers