MetaTrader 4 (Desktop) - Few Basic Questions - page 3

Andrei0: Within your tool, I don't see option or enable or disable ''follow market''. 
You are a troll! It's plainly visible on the image I posted.

You are a troll! It's plainly visible on the image I posted.

This is ''Follow Price'' but you named it as ''Follow Market'' (yes i know it could be the same) and it has nothing to do with problem regarding lines being back on previous location after I move them with mouse to new location so the bug remains. But its better to relocate lines via right click. Unfortunately ''Follow Price'' has nothing to do with the problem that text.

I tried to relocate Entry line via right click. Worked good. Then I tried to relocate TP line via right again. Worked good. Then I tried to relocate SL line and the text wasn't move PLUS it damaged my new location of Entry line. This means relocating SL line caused automated relocating of Entry line, although TP line remained on same position. I don't know why relocating crashes all the work and even SL Line's text isn't relocated. Do you know anyone who knows that?

Settings are still not saved - i am talking about settings in the window of this tool with tabs and not settings in black GUI.

But I always see same message: ''Check if automated trading is allowed in the terminal settings''. I don't have button ''Automated Trading'' located in the toolbar (right under the main Help menu) enabled.

I cannot believe it - even if I have TP Line and SL Line occurance set to true, those lines don't show anywhere, even if i am pressing + and - keyboard keys (zooming in, zooming out). Or said two lines never occur when there are no trading hours (prices are NOT being updated)? But in this case, I assume there wouldn't be Entry line as well but there is. Only TP and SL lines are missing.

This is ''Follow Price'' but you named it as ''Follow Market''

I tried to relocate Entry

Settings are still not saved - i am talking about settings in the window of this tool with tabs and not settings in black GUI.

But I always see same message

i am pressing + and - keyboard keys (zooming in, zooming out).
  1. "Follow Price" vs "Follow Market" are you that anal?
  2. I have no idea what you're babbling about or what ""crashes all the work" means. "Doesn't work" is meaningless - just like saying the car doesn't work. Doesn't start, won't go in gear, no electrical, missing the key, flat tires - meaningless. There are no mind readers here.
  3. Change your settings and press OK.
  4. You don't have the button? Then you remove it. Put it back or press control-E. Until that message is gone you can't do anything useful.
  5. +/- does not zoom anything. It narrows or enlarges the width of the bars. Dragging the right side where the prices are down, narrows the hight of the bars. There is no zoom.