How i create Blank Input


I am developing a EA. I am new in MQL, i just want to organism my EA's input.

Like below image. How i create a blank input and how i create input with space .

Please some one help me coding example how can i create blank input

Alain Verleyen:
With non-breaking space.

how can you give me a example. coding like below not working

input string     A2Ex                    = "";              //" "
web11: i just want to organism my EA's input.
How i create a blank input and how i create input with space .
Ebola, Bubonic Plague, Syphilis? There are many different types of organisms.
First you need to get the non-breaking space. There are several ways, I used the Character Map (three simple clicks.)
Character Map
Replace the X with the character.
input string NU_separator_1=""; // X
It will look like an empty comment.
#property show_inputs
input int a=0; // in1
input string separator_NU1=""; //  
input int b=0; // in2
But it works

Note that in recent MT4's MetaEditor (mine is v5 build 2408), the MetaEditor will convert the copy-pasted non-breaking space to normal whitespace automatically (e.g. when you pressed Ctrl + V after copying the non-breaking space from Character Map tool).

If you use MetaEditor, you have to type the non-breaking space directly (like using Alt + 255 or Alt + 0160 shortcut, this requires numpad keys though). Or perhaps you can use tool like AutoHotkey to produce the non-breaking space.

Alternatively, you can open the mq4 source code file with other text editor (like notepad) and copy-paste the non-breaking space there, and then you can open the mq4 file with MetaEditor to compile it.

For someone who is looking for MT5 solution, the non-breaking space doesn't work at all for creating blank input label, but if you want to create a blank separator (both label and value are blanks) in the inputs, you can just use this code:

input group ""