How to execute trade at the :00 minute of every hour?


How to execute trade at the :00 minute of every hour?

i.e. 1:00pm, 2:00pm, 3:00pm

when conditions are met.

in MT4:

in MT5
MqlDateTime mqltime;
in MT4:

The problem is this fails if there is no tick in the first minute. See "Free-of-Holes" Charts - MQL4 Articles

static int minuteCur=60; int minutePre = minuteCur;
minuteCur = Minute();   bool isTopOfTheHour = minuteCur < minutePre;
if(isTopOfTheHour) ...
Look for newbar code. Use a bool to control it.
Dua Yong Rew: Look for newbar code. Use a bool to control it.
Valid only on H1 bars.. Never stated by OP.