expert advisor - miscellaneous questions - page 9


Below code looks like working good, and already tried bool 'stoploss_use & takeprofit_use', but once that was not work correctly and then I doubt that code, please let me know about. ( if it's necessary - I can post all of that test EA's codes )

void OnChartEvent(const int     id     ,
                  const long&   lparam ,
                  const double& dparam ,
                  const string& sparam
    // Sell
    if ( sparam == sellbutton )
        ObjectSetInteger( 0, sparam, OBJPROP_STATE, false );
        // stoploss
        if ( stoploss_use == true )
        { sl = Bid + points_to_change( stoploss );}
        // takeprofit
        if ( takeprofit_use == true )
        { tp = Bid - points_to_change( takeprofit );}
        if ( !OrderSend( Symbol(), OP_SELL, lot, Bid, slippage, sl, tp, NULL, magic, 0, CLR_NONE ) )
            Print( " | OrderSend SELL: ", GetLastError() );
    // Buy
    if ( sparam == buybutton )
        ObjectSetInteger( 0, sparam, OBJPROP_STATE, false );
        // stoploss
        if ( stoploss_use == true )
        { sl = Ask - points_to_change( stoploss ); }
        // takeprofit
        if ( takeprofit_use == true )
        { tp = Ask + points_to_change( takeprofit ); }
        if ( !OrderSend( Symbol(), OP_BUY, lot, Ask, slippage, sl, tp, NULL, magic, 0, CLR_NONE ) )
            Print( " | OrderSend SELL: ", GetLastError() );


So, if you will say yes above code works good. Then I need to ask is above code combination optimal? So, just I am trying to get optimal code combination, which is that code should work perfectly.

Please, help me or give me good advice.
All the best. 


you will get an error when it fails and you can look up the error code in the documentation.

Sometimes ordersend fails because of slippage or off quotes so it doesnt always have to be a coding issue.

It will be a coding issue if you place your stops too close to market price.

Also i would write separate functions to order and simply call those inside your onchart event.

But the results should be the same.

Marco vd Heijden:

Also i would write separate functions to order and simply call those inside your onchart event.

Nice comment, I already started to separate them, thanks man.

Is below code combination good, please?

// Sell
if ( sparam == sellbutton )
    ObjectSetInteger( 0, sparam, OBJPROP_STATE, false );
void ordersellfnc()
    if ( stoploss_use   == true ) { sl = Bid + points_to_change( stoploss   ); }
    if ( takeprofit_use == true ) { tp = Bid - points_to_change( takeprofit ); }
    if ( !OrderSend( Symbol(), OP_SELL, lot, Ask, slippage, sl, tp, NULL, magic, 0, clrRed ) )
          Print( " | OrderSend SELL: ", GetLastError() );

Thanks in advance.

Ordersend returns the ticket number or -1 if the function fails.
Marco vd Heijden:
Ordersend returns the ticket number or -1 if the function fails.
Oh, I do not know why I can't understand just your latest comment, is that problem? If yes, how can I solve it?

#Checkmark - Open

I can use below code for 'Stop Loss Default' value that works good for me.
But I already spent few hours for 'Checkmark' Use 'On / Off' but unfortunately not good results. Just I have 'Bitmap Label' object, when I use it separately it is working good, but when I try to use it like this: If it is ON 'Stop Loss' could apply if OFF 'Stop Loss' could not apply.

When I start to write code for this function, just I was thought I could write it in just few minutes. But unfortunately it already took few hours, please help me, that is taking my life time.

( if you found my concern like a foolish, please do not blame me, just a reason exhausted )

if ( stoploss == stoplossresetvalue )
{   ObjectSetInteger( 0, stoplossbmp, OBJPROP_STATE, false ); } else
{   ObjectSetInteger( 0, stoplossbmp, OBJPROP_STATE, true  ); }

    ObjectSetString ( 0, stoplossedit, OBJPROP_TEXT, IntegerToString( stoploss ) );

Thanks in advance.


The bitmap label works a bit differently then the button object.

It uses two bitmaps one for on state and the other for off state.

#property strict
//--- description
#property description "Script creates \"Bitmap Label\" object."
//--- display window of the input parameters during the script's launch
#property script_show_inputs
//--- input parameters of the script
input string            InpName="BmpLabel";               // Label name
input string            InpFileOn="\\Images\\dollar.bmp"; // File name for On mode
input string            InpFileOff="\\Images\\euro.bmp";  // File name for Off mode

input bool              InpState=false;                   // Label pressed/released
input ENUM_BASE_CORNER  InpCorner=CORNER_LEFT_UPPER;      // Chart corner for anchoring
input ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT InpAnchor=ANCHOR_CENTER;          // Anchor type
input color             InpColor=clrRed;                  // Border color when highlighted
input ENUM_LINE_STYLE   InpStyle=STYLE_SOLID;             // Line style when highlighted
input int               InpPointWidth=1;                  // Point size to move
input bool              InpBack=false;                    // Background object
input bool              InpSelection=false;               // Highlight to move
input bool              InpHidden=true;                   // Hidden in the object list
input long              InpZOrder=0;                      // Priority for mouse click
//| Create Bitmap Label object                                       |
bool BitmapLabelCreate(const long              chart_ID=0,               // chart's ID
                       const string            name="BmpLabel",          // label name
                       const int               sub_window=0,             // subwindow index
                       const int               x=0,                      // X coordinate
                       const int               y=0,                      // Y coordinate
                       const string            file_on="",               // image in On mode
                       const string            file_off="",              // image in Off mode
                       const int               width=0,                  // visibility scope X coordinate
                       const int               height=0,                 // visibility scope Y coordinate
                       const int               x_offset=10,              // visibility scope shift by X axis
                       const int               y_offset=10,              // visibility scope shift by Y axis
                       const bool              state=false,              // pressed/released
                       const ENUM_BASE_CORNER  corner=CORNER_LEFT_UPPER, // chart corner for anchoring
                       const ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT anchor=ANCHOR_LEFT_UPPER, // anchor type
                       const color             clr=clrRed,               // border color when highlighted
                       const ENUM_LINE_STYLE   style=STYLE_SOLID,        // line style when highlighted
                       const int               point_width=1,            // move point size
                       const bool              back=false,               // in the background
                       const bool              selection=false,          // highlight to move
                       const bool              hidden=true,              // hidden in the object list
                       const long              z_order=0)                // priority for mouse click
//--- reset the error value
//--- create a bitmap label
            ": failed to create \"Bitmap Label\" object! Error code = ",GetLastError());
//--- set the images for On and Off modes
            ": failed to load the image for On mode! Error code = ",GetLastError());
            ": failed to load the image for Off mode! Error code = ",GetLastError());

//--- set label coordinates
//--- set visibility scope for the image; if width or height values
//--- exceed the width and height (respectively) of a source image,
//--- it is not drawn; in the opposite case,
//--- only the part corresponding to these values is drawn
//--- set the part of an image that is to be displayed in the visibility scope
//--- the default part is the upper left area of an image; the values allow
//--- performing a shift from this area displaying another part of the image
//--- define the label's status (pressed or released)

//--- set the chart's corner, relative to which point coordinates are defined
//--- set anchor type
//--- set the border color when object highlighting mode is enabled
//--- set the border line style when object highlighting mode is enabled
//--- set a size of the anchor point for moving an object
//--- display in the foreground (false) or background (true)
//--- enable (true) or disable (false) the mode of moving the label by mouse
//--- hide (true) or display (false) graphical object name in the object list
//--- set the priority for receiving the event of a mouse click in the chart
//--- successful execution
//| Set a new image for Bitmap label object                          |
bool BitmapLabelSetImage(const long   chart_ID=0,      // chart's ID
                         const string name="BmpLabel", // label name
                         const int    on_off=0,        // modifier (On or Off)
                         const string file="")         // path to the file
//--- reset the error value
//--- set the path to the image file
            ": failed to load the image! Error code = ",GetLastError());
//--- successful execution
//| Move Bitmap Label object                                         |
bool BitmapLabelMove(const long   chart_ID=0,      // chart's ID
                     const string name="BmpLabel", // label name
                     const int    x=0,             // X coordinate
                     const int    y=0)             // Y coordinate
//--- reset the error value
//--- move the object
            ": failed to move X coordinate of the object! Error code = ",GetLastError());
            ": failed to move Y coordinate of the object! Error code = ",GetLastError());
//--- successful execution
//| Change visibility scope (object) size                            |
bool BitmapLabelChangeSize(const long   chart_ID=0,      // chart's ID
                           const string name="BmpLabel", // label name
                           const int    width=0,         // label width
                           const int    height=0)        // label height
//--- reset the error value
//--- change the object size
            ": failed to change the object width! Error code = ",GetLastError());
            ": failed to change the object height! Error code = ",GetLastError());
//--- successful execution
//| Change coordinate of the upper left corner of the visibility scope |
bool BitmapLabelMoveVisibleArea(const long   chart_ID=0,      // chart's ID
                                const string name="BmpLabel", // label name
                                const int    x_offset=0,      // visibility scope X coordinate
                                const int    y_offset=0)      // visibility scope Y coordinate
//--- reset the error value
//--- change the object's visibility scope coordinates
            ": failed to change X coordinate of the visibility scope! Error code = ",GetLastError());
            ": failed to change Y coordinate of the visibility scope! Error code = ",GetLastError());
//--- successful execution
//| Delete "Bitmap label" object                                     |
bool BitmapLabelDelete(const long   chart_ID=0,      // chart's ID
                       const string name="BmpLabel") // label name
//--- reset the error value
//--- delete the label
            ": failed to delete \"Bitmap label\" object! Error code = ",GetLastError());
//--- successful execution
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()
//--- chart window size
   long x_distance;
   long y_distance;
//--- set window size
      Print("Failed to get the chart width! Error code = ",GetLastError());
      Print("Failed to get the chart height! Error code = ",GetLastError());
//--- define bitmap label coordinates
   int x=(int)x_distance/2;
   int y=(int)y_distance/2;
//--- set label size and visibility scope coordinates
   int width=32;
   int height=32;
   int x_offset=0;
   int y_offset=0;
//--- place bitmap label at the center of the window
//--- redraw the chart and wait one second
//--- change label's visibility scope size in the loop
   for(int i=0;i<6;i++)
      //--- change visibility scope size
      //--- check if the script's operation has been forcefully disabled
      //--- redraw the chart
      // 0.3 seconds of delay
//--- 1 second of delay
//--- change label's visibility scope coordinates in the loop
   for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
      //--- change visibility scope coordinates
      //--- check if the script's operation has been forcefully disabled
      //--- redraw the chart
      // 0.3 seconds of delay
//--- 1 second of delay
//--- delete the label
//--- 1 second of delay

So for example you can use a colored version and a greyscale version of the same bmp to display on and off states.

Please see:

If you did use two images please post more of your code where are you setting the state? do you want it to be click able? what is the goal?
OBJ_BITMAP_LABEL - Object Types - Objects Constants - Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures - MQL4 Reference
OBJ_BITMAP_LABEL - Object Types - Objects Constants - Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures - MQL4 Reference
OBJ_BITMAP_LABEL - Object Types - Objects Constants - Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures - MQL4 Reference
Max Enrik:
Oh, I do not know why I can't understand just your latest comment, is that problem? If yes, how can I solve it?

I just wanted to point out that OrderSend() function returns an Integer not a Boolean.

The ticket number or -1 if the function fails is very different then true or false.


Marco vd Heijden: 

If you did use two images please post more of your code where are you setting the state? do you want it to be click able? what is the goal?

First of all thanks for your great comment, much appreciate that. Maybe I was not described my concern, but I will try to write one more.

So, I always try to write code in 'test.mq4' for my idea. And I already use 2 images in it, which one I want. And I just would like to bring following functions.

  1. If State = true  ( image shows ' On  ' ) - and I just want to write code for this function - 'Stop Loss' could apply to my orders.
  2. If State = false ( image shows ' Off  ' ) - and I just want to write code for this function - 'Stop Loss' could not apply to my orders.
I can't do this function for me, even I use already 'Bitmap Label Object' for my other functions, and other functions works perfectly which one I want. So, please help me.

All the best to you.

( I made .zip file, so you can find my test .mq4 file and 2x .bmp files format - I hope that will help you to understand my concern )
