DLL to Communicate with two or more terminals


DLL to Communicate with two or more terminals

 I need read or get Account Balance for terminal one in terminal two AND terminal two in terminal one

this DLL.cpp 

#include "stdafx.h"
#pragma data_seg(".ESC_SHARED")

double first (double one) {return one;}
double second (double two) {return two;}

#pragma data_seg()
#pragma comment(linker,"/SECTION:.ESC_SHARED,RWS")

in mq4

#import "DLL_EA.dll"
double first (double one);
double second (double two);

 in terminal #1


 in terminal #2


I put the dll file in folder C:\Windows it work but 

How can send these value throw dll file to read it from dll file 


Do you really need a DLL for such things ?

MT4/MT5 provide a COMMON folder where you can easily read/write files from any terminal (on the same computer of course).

any one have idea!