iCustom value does not match the buffer value??? - page 2

Jabz732:I think the problem is that the indicator does not draw the buffers straight away once it forms but rather after sometime e.g below
Do you have any advice on how I could get it to display straight away?
  1. Based on the two images, looks like the indicator is broken.
  2. You have to fix it, since you haven't posted a link (or code) to the one you are using. How to do your lookbacks correctly.
  3. Or use another
  1. Based on the two images, looks like the indicator is broken.
  2. You have to fix it, since you haven't posted a link or code) to the one you are using. How to do your lookbacks correctly.
  3. Or use another

Ok Thank You. That's the code for the one I am using

//|                                                       PinBar.mq5 |
//|                      Copyright 2013, Andrei PunkBASSter Shpilev. |
//|                                     |
#property copyright "Copyright 2012, PunkBASSter."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- plot OpenBuffer
#property indicator_label1  "OpenBuffer"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_ARROW
#property indicator_color1  clrGreen
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1
//--- plot StopBuffer
#property indicator_label2  "StopBuffer"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_ARROW
#property indicator_color2  clrRed
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1
//--- input parameters
//Minimal bar spread
input int      MinBarSize=200;//MinimalBarSpread(in pips)
//Offset for open price and stop loss
input int      PriceOffset=50;//Offset (in pips)
//BarRatio = Spread/Body
input double   BarRatio=2.2;//Minimal Spread/Body value
//TailRatio = BiggerTail/RestBarPart
input double   TailRatio=1.3;//Minimal BiggerTail/(Spread-BiggerTail) value
//Bear pinbar must have bear body, bull pinbar must have a bull body
input bool     UseBodyDirection=false;
//Bar is divided into 3 equal parts. Bear pinbar must close in the lower part, bull pin bar -- in the upper one
input bool     UseCloseThirds=true;
//Bear(bull) pinbar must be higher(lower) then several previous. Can be zero to disable extremum check
input int      ExtremumOfBars=10;

//--- indicator buffers
double         OpenBuffer[];
double         StopBuffer[];
datetime       prevtime=0;
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
//--- indicator buffers mapping
//--- setting a code from the Wingdings charset as the property of PLOT_ARROW



//| Body direction check                                             |
ENUM_BODY_DIRECTIONS BodyDirection(double open, double close)

//| Maximum check                                                    |
bool CheckLocalMax(int idx,const double &high[],int extremumofbars)
   for(int i=idx-1; i>=idx-extremumofbars; i--)

//| Minimum check                                                    |
bool CheckLocalMin(int idx,const double &low[],int extremumofbars)
   for(int i=idx-1; i>=idx-extremumofbars; i--)

//| Returns the number of a third of a bar where    |
//| its close price is located starting from the    |
//| high price.                                     |
ENUM_CLOSE_THIRDS CloseThird(double high, double low, double close)
      double third = NormalizeDouble((high-low)/3,Digits());
      double b12 = high-third;
      double b23 = low +third;
      if(close>b12)               return(UPPER_PART);//upper part
      if(close<=b12 && close>=b23)return(MIDDLE_PART);//middle
      if(close<b23)               return(LOWER_PART);//lower part

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int total,
                const int calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
   for(int i=calculated>ExtremumOfBars?calculated-1:ExtremumOfBars; i<total-1; i++)
      double Spread=high[i]-low[i];
      if(Spread<MinBarSize*Point())continue;//not a pin bar, check next
         double Body=MathAbs(open[i]-close[i]);
         if(Body==0)Body=0.00001;//to avoid zero divide
         if(Spread/Body<BarRatio)continue;  //not a pin bar, check next
            double Offset=PriceOffset*Point();
            //check bear pin bar
            ENUM_CLOSE_THIRDS Third=CloseThird(high[i],low[i],close[i]);
            ENUM_BODY_DIRECTIONS Dir=BodyDirection(open[i],close[i]);
            double Tail = high[i] - MathMax(open[i],close[i]);
            double NotTail = Spread - Tail;
            if(NotTail==0)NotTail=0.00001;//to avoid zero divide
            double Ratio = Tail/NotTail;
               if(Dir==BEAR || Dir==ZERO)
               if(Third==LOWER_PART || Third==UNKNOWN_PART)
            Tail = MathMin(open[i],close[i]) - low[i];
            NotTail = Spread - Tail;
            if(NotTail==0)NotTail=0.00001;//to avoid zero divide
            Ratio = Tail/NotTail;
               if(Dir==BULL || Dir==ZERO)
               if(Third==UPPER_PART || Third==UNKNOWN_PART)
//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call

 I don't think Option 2 will assist me in obtaining what I intend to do, which is to use the signal when it appears in an EA. 

 As My coding skills are not great I think I'll have to go with the option 3.

"3. Or use another"

Do you have any recommendations?

I gave you the link on how to do lookbacks. Why couldn't you read it and make the highlighted changes?
int OnCalculate(const int total,
                const int calculated, ... )
   #define iLast    1
   #define lookback 0
   for(int i = Bars-1-MathMax(lookback, calculated); i >= iLast; --i){
// for(int i=calculated>ExtremumOfBars?calculated-1:ExtremumOfBars; i<total-1; i++)
//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
   #define REDRAW_BAR_ZERO true           // Redraw Bar zero.
   return total - MathMax(REDRAW_BAR_ZERO, iLast);
// return(total);
I gave you the link on how to do lookbacks. Why couldn't you read it and make the highlighted changes?
int OnCalculate(const int total,
                const int calculated, ... )
   #define iLast    1
   #define lookback 0
   for(int i = Bars-1-MathMax(lookback, calculated); i >= iLast; --i){
// for(int i=calculated>ExtremumOfBars?calculated-1:ExtremumOfBars; i<total-1; i++)
//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
   #define REDRAW_BAR_ZERO true           // Redraw Bar zero.
   return total - MathMax(REDRAW_BAR_ZERO, iLast);
// return(total);
That's fantastic the change has done the trick Thank You greatly. There is still a slight problem. A value is produced which is not a pinbar and the bar which is a pinbar did not?
Jabz732 A value is produced which is not a pinbar and the bar which is a pinbar did not?
What? Post English. What bars? There are no mind readers here.
What? Post English. What bars? There are no mind readers here.

Look at the picture, the bar (2016.10.25 08:00 mock GBPUSD,H1: This is the Stop 1.22368) with the arrow pointing to it is not a Pinbar but the previous bar is thus the result highlighted show that it is despite no x's drawn on the pinbar.  (2016.10.25 16:00 mock GBPUSD,H1: This is the Stop 0.0) is showing zero but the previous bar is indeed a pinbar hence the x's drawn on the bar but the buffer displays 0.0? I hope this clarifies the issue? 
