So finally. We do not ex­pect to see any de­vel­op­ments to come out of MT4 ever again


There is a news going around. I can hardly believe that it is not yet here. 

Exclusive: MetaQuotes Emphasizing MT5 Development, as MT4 ‘Slowly Dying Out’
Exclusive: MetaQuotes Emphasizing MT5 Development, as MT4 ‘Slowly Dying Out’
  • 2016.11.15
  • Jeff Patterson
MT5 has become the paramount focus of MetaQuotes as the group looks to phase out the widely utilized MT4.

Don't be depressed! Do you see much development in C compared to Java and is C dieing?

It depends on us the clients as we bring our money to the broker who are paying Metaquotes.

Maybe they wants us believe this so we start to panic?


As long as MT5 have all the great features that MT4 had, i'll be fine with that.

Carl Schreiber:

Don't be depressed! Do you see much development in C compared to Java and is C dieing?

It depends on us the clients as we bring our money to the broker who are paying Metaquotes.

Maybe they wants us believe this so we start to panic?

Well, I am not depressed by the statement (some symptoms appeared later this year), but I am disappointed they never provided us with a schedule to get proper timing for the change.

The most confusing thing is that they upgraded the MQL4 language two years ago, and then many updates followed (builds 524 through 1012). It is not the dying product looks like. So hard to believe that the goal was clearing the way for the MT5.

Ovo Cz:

The most confusing thing is that they upgraded the MQL4 language two years ago, and then many updates followed (builds 524 through 1012). It is not the dying product looks like. So hard to believe that the goal was clearing the way for the MT5.

I agree. It seems odd to put that much effort into the major upgrade if they were going to drop it. Maybe they thought that by introducing mql5 elements into mql4 more mql4 programmers will be prepared to make the transition.

Although I can cope reasonably well with indicators in 5, I couldn't get my head around the orders in EAs.

I don't know what the hedging aspect does, but maybe I will be able to comprehend better.


MT5 was build to allow trading any instrument including stocks, futures and options ("true" ones, not CFD like many people are confusing). The order system is very different due to this aspect. Not because Metaquotes want to change all but because these intruments (stocks, futtures...) are working differently, you cannot us hedging (locking actually) on them. It was a big challenge and an understandable goal for Metaquotes to conquer new markets.

What I will never understand is why they build a new platform broking absolutely all compatibilities with MT4. I never read an clear explanation about that, is there only one ? I think it was a bad decision and they are now paying it. They invested huge amounts in MT5 development and I think they can't just afford to fail with it. Metaquotes is not Microsoft or Apple they can't fail with one of their major project.

It was clear from the start (at least for me sorry) that the new mql4 "like mql5" was done to prepare the transition from MT4 to MT5. Imagine current situation with the old mql4 and Metaquotes saying there will not be new development for MT4 ? It's just unthinkable. Now they can try and hope to succeed. MT5 is very promising, I don't think there is much difference for manual traders, except improvements : more timeframes, more tools, more settings...(I am interested to hear balanced critics from traders about MT5). For others (algorithm traders or coders) There are a lot of great things, like the Cloud, backtesting on real ticks, Depth of Market (when usable), etc...

Of course arise the question "why to change ?", it's really not specific to MT4/MT5, the same issue occurs in all domains of life. In computer : I was happy with Window XP or even Windows 7 but now I have to use Windows first it's just waste of time, but slowly you forgot completely about XP or 7... In 2000, I had a mobile already, it was as big as a talkie walkie, but it was working well to phone, why to change, it could probably still work now ? In 19th century most people were happy to use horses for their displacements, then come train, car, plane...why to change ? All is changing, always, but most people don't like to change...and they remain married 40 years with the same person forgetting why they were married at first.

MT4 is dying, you can prepare yourself to follow the hearse while crying or you could start to adjust to real world, it's up to you.


Oh no but i will simply keep pulling it back from it's grave.

I like the new Github feature :)

I am already adjusting...

Alain Verleyen:

MT5 was build to allow trading any instrument including stocks, futures and options ("true" ones, not CFD like many people are confusing). The order system is very different due to this aspect. Not because Metaquotes want to change all but because these intruments (stocks, futtures...) are working differently, you cannot us hedging (locking actually) on them. It was a big challenge and an understandable goal for Metaquotes to conquer new markets.

What I will never understand is why they build a new platform broking absolutely all compatibilities with MT4. I never read an clear explanation about that, is there only one ? I think it was a bad decision and they are now paying it. They invested huge amounts in MT5 development and I think they can't just afford to fail with it. Metaquotes is not Microsoft or Apple they can't fail with one of their major project.

It was clear from the start (at least for me sorry) that the new mql4 "like mql5" was done to prepare the transition from MT4 to MT5. Imagine current situation with the old mql4 and Metaquotes saying there will not be new development for MT4 ? It's just unthinkable. Now they can try and hope to succeed. MT5 is very promising, I don't think there is much difference for manual traders, except improvements : more timeframes, more tools, more settings...(I am interested to hear balanced critics from traders about MT5). For others (algorithm traders or coders) There are a lot of great things, like the Cloud, backtesting on real ticks, Depth of Market (when usable), etc...

Of course arise the question "why to change ?", it's really not specific to MT4/MT5, the same issue occurs in all domains of life. In computer : I was happy with Window XP or even Windows 7 but now I have to use Windows first it's just waste of time, but slowly you forgot completely about XP or 7... In 2000, I had a mobile already, it was as big as a talkie walkie, but it was working well to phone, why to change, it could probably still work now ? In 19th century most people were happy to use horses for their displacements, then come train, car, plane...why to change ? All is changing, always, but most people don't like to change...and they remain married 40 years with the same person forgetting why they were married at first.

MT4 is dying, you can prepare yourself to follow the hearse while crying or you could start to adjust to real world, it's up to you.

The problem for Metaquotes is... MT4 is NOT dying. As he said." we are a victim of our own success."

I'm just happy that there is finally a "final" version of MT4.

Now the question is, is Metatrader going to take this platform that is OVERWHELMINGLY popular with it's users and brokers...

these people that have finally learned their way around the platform and editor and strategy tester..

and invested hours in testing and coding....

and invested money in purchasing scripts, indicators, experts and signals...

all purchased through the market and for which metaquotes got paid to sell them...

Is metaquotes going to suddenly give them the middle finger and tell them "we are turning off your mt4... you have to use Mt5 and buy new stuff from us.."...

Do they really  expect these tried and true, dedicated, and faithful traders NOT to feel betrayed and walk away from metaquotes forever?

If it were not for these determined and faithful users of MT4 for the past several years. Metaquotes would have not survived as long as it has...

If Metaquotes wants to sacrifice it's faithful sheep on the altar of MT5 I guess that is their business.

But they won't have to be worrying about being followed by mourners for metaquotes because the love they had for metaquotes will quickly turn into disdain and hate. 

The saying goes "the first time a dog bites you its the dogs fault. The second time it's your fault because you should have known to stay away."

I do not believe that Metaquotes is inept enough to tear the tool that their clients love most from their hands while they are kicking and screaming.

Only to replace it something else that many traders and coders ALREADY know that they have tried and DO NOT WANT

Is Metaquotes really incapable of serving more than one platform at a time?

Is there some reason that the two can not co-exist?

It is not hard to imagine that the percentage of growth in mt5 was greater than in mt4. The question is.. which one made them more money since July? 

James Hodges:

The problem for Metaquotes is... MT4 is NOT dying. As he said." we are a victim of our own success."

A software where development and support is stopped by the owner company is dying, it's what I mean.

I'm just happy that there is finally a "final" version of MT4.

Now the question is, is Metatrader going to take this platform that is OVERWHELMINGLY popular with it's users and brokers...

these people that have finally learned their way around the platform and editor and strategy tester..

and invested hours in testing and coding....

and invested money in purchasing scripts, indicators, experts and signals...

all purchased through the market and for which metaquotes got paid to sell them...

Is metaquotes going to suddenly give them the middle finger and tell them "we are turning off your mt4... you have to use Mt5 and buy new stuff from us.."...

Do they really  expect these tried and true, dedicated, and faithful traders NOT to feel betrayed and walk away from metaquotes forever?

If it were not for these determined and faithful users of MT4 for the past several years. Metaquotes would have not survived as long as it has...

If Metaquotes wants to sacrifice it's faithful sheep on the altar of MT5 I guess that is their business.

But they won't have to be worrying about being followed by mourners for metaquotes because the love they had for metaquotes will quickly turn into disdain and hate. 

The saying goes "the first time a dog bites you its the dogs fault. The second time it's your fault because you should have known to stay away."

I do not believe that Metaquotes is inept enough to tear the tool that their clients love most from their hands while they are kicking and screaming.

I have read that so many times. I understand your feeling, but Metaquotes has taken its decision. Now we will see what will happen.

Only to replace it something else that many traders and coders ALREADY know that they have tried and DO NOT WANT.

I think you are not right, most people have nothing against MT5 if it provides what they need.

Is Metaquotes really incapable of serving more than one platform at a time?

Is there some reason that the two can not co-exist?

Of course they can't in the long term. You can't imagine what it costs to support a platform.

Well for anybody who is interested just compare the length of the mt5-broker-list and the mt4-broker-list.

MT5 Brokers - List of forex brokers offering MT5 trading platform
MT5 Brokers - List of forex brokers offering MT5 trading platform
  • - MT5 Brokers - List of forex brokers offering MT5 trading platform