Need help with MT4 optimization



I am doing a serie of optimization and can't understand why I just get a fraction of the possibilities calculated.

There is 3 differents figures appearing at the left bottom of the optimization page. The first two indicate where I stand in the optimization process 1 test done over 1280 planned calculation.

If I am correct 48 000 (in brackets) is the figure that represent all the possible combinations of the set of data I want to optimize.

I am wondering why I can't get the results of all the possible combinations...

I have tried to reduce the pieces of optimized data and I get for example 200 possibilities but anytime at the end of the process the program post a figure in brackets that is always bigger than the number of realized optimizations.

Thanks in advance for any help to understand this better and may be customize the final series I can get...


mql4.JPG  37 kb
  1. Your post belongs to the last section the one for mt4!
  2. You can directly post ans upload pictures  by the mountain-sun-icon button.
  3. If you want to run all 48000 disable Genetic algorithm of the first tab of the experts setup window.
  4. The genetic algorithm tries to reduce the total amount of runs as they can become very, very high by focussing on the best results.
Carl Schreiber:
  1. Your post belongs to the last section the one for mt4!
  2. You can directly post ans upload pictures  by the mountain-sun-icon button.
  3. If you want to run all 48000 disable Genetic algorithm of the first tab of the experts setup window.
  4. The genetic algorithm tries to reduce the total amount of runs as they can become very, very high by focussing on the best results.

Thanks a lot !! Your post helêd me a lot ;-)

Another question ... I have noticed that the customed spread is used for the simple backtest while the optimization run with the current spread.

If I launch an optimization process at 10:00 AM that will end during the night, my guest is that it will use the spread at the start time and not check it before each optimization.

Am I correct ? Otherwise I need to limit my optimizations to have a shorter testing period ... 

Arnaud Giovanni:

If I launch an optimization process at 10:00 AM that will end during the night, my guest is that it will use the spread at the start time and not check it before each optimization.

It depends on your setting in the tester: Spread (beside "Open Chart") = Current (at the start of the process), 2,5,...

F1 and 'test' in the search-tab will give you a lot of information :)