script does not work

I wrote the following script... I expect that when i drop this script in the chart a input window will open to
 allow me to enter the value at run time - This is not happening.  Please assist
extern double ovalue1=1.5;
//| Script program start function                                    |
void OnStart()



I even tried changing the first line to 

input double ovalue1=1.5;

rjngh2005: I wrote the following script... I expect that when i drop this script in the chart a input window will open to allow me to enter the value at run time - This is not happening.  Please assist. I even tried changing the first line to input double ovalue1=1.5;
You have to use the program property "script_show_inputs"! Please read the documentation on this and other properties.

Thanks  FMIC

That was a Quick Fix

and a very prompt reply.

I tested this and it works

Excellent job FMIC