I found BUG in Nested if - else if - else if - else. I can't declare same variable name in other blocks


I found BUG in Nested if - else if - else if - else. I can't declare same variable name in other blocks. 

According to MQL4 documentation: A variable declared inside a block (part of code enclosed in curly brackets) belongs to the local scope. Such a variable is not visible (and therefore not available) outside the block, in which it is declared. Since the scope of a local variable is the block in which it is declared, it is possible to declare variables with the same name, as those of variables declared in other blocks; as well as of those declared at upper levels, up to the global level.

 for(int c=0; c<=5; c++)
      if(Dict_JPY[c] < 0 && x[c] == False)      
         double neg_b = Dict_JPY[c];
         ObjectSetText("Result_JPY"+c, -neg_b, 8, "Verdana", Blue);
      else if(Dict_JPY[c] > 0 && x[c] == True)   
         double pos_b = Dict_JPY[c];
         ObjectSetText("Result_JPY"+c, -pos_b, 8, "Verdana", Blue);
      else if(Dict_JPY[c] < 0)
         double neg_b = Dict_JPY[c];
         ObjectSetText("Result_JPY"+c, -neg_b, 8, "Verdana", Green);
         double pos_b = Dict_JPY[c];
         ObjectSetText("Result_JPY"+c, -pos_b, 8, "Verdana", Red);


'neg_b' - variable already defined
'pos_b' - variable already defined

2 error(s)

If you don't use

#property strict

then the compiler will give these errors.

It's not a bug, without #property strict it allows the compiler to compile code written with earlier versions.

I believe that you should always use #property strict with new code.