How can I write on the next line on a button?

Hi comrades, how can I continue writing on the next line (similar to pressing the 'enter key' on a keyboard) on the label of a button I have created? Thank you for you in advance?
As far as I know, it is not possible. You could overprint with 2 labels.
As far as I know, it is not possible. You could overprint with 2 labels.

Thank you for that remark. But how can I overprint with two labels, do you mean creating two buttons and merging them together, each having one label? That is the first idea I made of what you said. The second idea I made of what you said is executing the label print code a second time on the button such as:


In the latter case, what about spacing, is it appropriately spaced or is there a way to adjust?

I tried the second option and it overwrote the first label. Any suggestion please?
No, I mean create the button with no text and then create 2 OBJ_LABEL and position them on top of the button.
No, I mean create the button with no text and then create 2 OBJ_LABEL and position them on top of the button.
Ok I think I got you now. That is a nice idea. Thanks again.