optimization in mt5 without relative DD


i cannot find a way to enable the equity relative drawdawn in optimization window. There is only this second drawdawn not relating to equity. I need that factor for optimizing Money Management function, the other drawdawn is useless (i still dont understand what is that percentage? when optimization proces shows equity wipeout it shows 100% and when its close to equity wipeout - 90% relative dd this factor shows 60% or something).

It was possible in mt4 for sure (Always showing relative DD in optimization table). Is it possible in mt5? 

mt5_test_02.png  90 kb
mt5_test.png  94 kb

i cannot find a way to enable the equity relative drawdawn in optimization window. There is only this second drawdawn not relating to equity. I need that factor for optimizing Money Management function, the other drawdawn is useless (i still dont understand what is that percentage? when optimization proces shows equity wipeout it shows 100% and when its close to equity wipeout - 90% relative dd this factor shows 60% or something).

It was possible in mt4 for sure (Always showing relative DD in optimization table). Is it possible in mt5? 

You can use Custom Max on optimization. This will show your chosen parameter in the results table in the "result" column. Look at this article to see all parameters and their respective explanation.  https://www.mql5.com/en/docs/constants/environment_state/statistics

E.g. You can choose the parameter max. relative equity drawdown in percentwith this code:

double OnTester()
    double custommax = TesterStatistics(STAT_EQUITY_DDREL_PERCENT);
    return (custommax);

Just replace STAT_EQUITY_DDREL_PERCENT with any parameter you need.

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Testing Statistics
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Testing Statistics
  • www.mql5.com
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Environment State / Testing Statistics - Documentation on MQL5

ok i tested it. I added:

double OnTester()
double custommax = TesterStatistics(STAT_GROSS_LOSS);
return (custommax);

for gross loss, but i still dont see it in optimization parameters while i click RMB to select displayed parameters

ok ive found it. Thank You.